Why should you clean your face daily?

Carrying out a daily cleaning of the skin is essential for it to appear healthy and vital. It is a daily habit that costs many people to carry out. However, it is more important than you think. We tell you why you should clean your face every day.

Why is it important to clean the face daily?

We are tired of hearing that we have to clean the skin of the skin every day. However, there are those who consider it an unnecessary step in their routine. Many women believe that not wearing makeup prevents them from having to remove dirt from their faces. However, it is not only the makeup that must be removed, but dirt particles caused by pollution, tobacco, pollen, cosmetic products … It is likely that, when you look in the mirror, you will notice that your skin is free of impurities, however, there is more than what your eyes can perceive.

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After a long and busy day of work, and / or study, and training, it is normal that you are lazy to carry out certain cares, but you must become aware of the importance of carrying them out. And it is that easy hygiene is essential for the health of the skin. If we do not remove the dirt, imperceptible to the eye, it accumulates in the pores and ends up covering . This results in dehydrated, dull, dull, undernourished and even more wrinkled skin. Thus, we can accelerate the oxidation process of the face and its subsequent aging.

Some tips for clean skin

Try not to touch your face during the day. Many times without realizing it we pass our hands through the skin of the face and, if these are not very clean, we will be carrying dirt; which can cause an increase in the amount of bacteria and cause the appearance of spots, blackheads and pimples.

Try to find the right products, the components of which are not too aggressive for your face. You should pay special attention to this point, in case you have sensitive skin.

It is recommended to clean it twice a day, morning and night, especially if you have oily skin . In this way, you will avoid its accumulation on the face. If your skin has acne, you should make sure to clean it properly. If your skin is dry, go deeper into night cleaning and, in the morning, put thermal spray water .