Foods to wear an advertisement hair

Food has a direct impact on our health. Carrying out a balanced and varied diet is essential to be healthy on the inside and noticeable on the outside. The appearance of our skin, hair or nails, for example, has a lot to do with the quality of our diet.

If your hair is experiencing seasonal fall , or looks drier and lifeless , you may need to build a diet by enhancing some basic foods for your hair. However, remember that you should not wait to experience the fall, to know that you must protect it and provide it with certain nutrients. So, whether you urgently need a hair remedy or just want to strengthen it, watch out!

deportista mueve el pelo

Causes that cause the poor condition of your hair

Hair can suffer from many factors. On the one hand, external aspects such as climate or pollution can have negative effects on it. Remember that your hair, as well as your skin, is continuously exposed and "unprotected". On the other hand, internal causes such as moments of stress can cause the fall that alarms and worries us so much. So the first advice is that, if this is your case, try to lower the levels of stress and anxiety; taking things slower will bring you benefits in every way.

6 Foods for hair 10

As for food, remember to introduce some foods, rich in nutrients that will strengthen your hair. If you do, you will notice how aspects such as lack of brightness and vitality, low density, split ends or fall improve.

verdura de temporada en primavera

1. Green hope, the hope of your hair

Leafy green vegetables are great for hair care. They are rich in minerals and vitamins . The stronger the color, the better. Some are chard, broccoli, spinach, lettuce … These provide vitamins A and C and help maintain proper hydration of your hair.


2. Vitamin C

Citrus foods high in vitamin C, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons or tangerines , are allies for your mane. They promote its growth and help protect it. Vitamin C produces collagen , a substance necessary for the health of the skin or hair, among others.

3. Legumes, essential

By now you will know that complying with the weekly vegetable ration is essential. But, if you did not know the importance of consuming them, remember that they have a high content of minerals such as iron or zinc . In addition, it is a source of protein and biotin , super important for strengthening hair and preventing it from breaking. These are lentils, chickpeas, you speak, beans …

4. Omega-3 fatty acids

These add vitality to the hair. They give shine, light and strength, and promote growth. You can find them in fish , especially blue. These are some like salmon or tuna.

5. Egg

Food that cannot be missing if what we want is to give life to our hair. It has a high content of vitamin B12 , essential for its good appearance and vitality.

alimentos saludables para merendar o almorzar

6. Nuts

Source of vitamin B and minerals such as zinc or selenium . It helps growth and prevents hair loss. Remember to introduce walnuts, almonds or peanuts in your diet. It is very important that you buy the natural fruit, without salt.