The best vitamins for perfect skin

We often give you guidelines on some foods that can benefit the appearance of your skin. Also, there are beauty treatments and daily routines, which are of great help so that your face is healthy and clean. But if, in addition to the correct diet and habits, you want to know how to promote the state of your skin, pay attention to the following ways to acquire certain vitamins .

Vitamins to improve the appearance of the skin

Vitamin E

It is a true ally for a firmer and younger face . It is the most widespread vitamin for the health and appearance of the skin. Purely antioxidant , it fights against free radical damage and slows aging . Likewise, it improves the appearance of the most mature skin, reducing wrinkles and providing greater freshness.

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You can find it in foods like green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, fish, meats and in wheat germ. However, applying it directly to the face has a more visible and faster result. There are many cosmetic products that contain it. However, we recommend that you buy it pure and apply it before or together with your moisturizer. You can also apply it to the hair, since its rejuvenating properties also extend to this area.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A mainly benefits dry skin . You can find it in foods like carrots, spinach, squash, peppers, and eggs. A diet rich in vitamin A, provides flexibility, softness and health to the skin . In addition, it protects from the negative effects that air pollution can cause. You can find it in capsules that will help you keep your skin healthy and reduce the effects of photoaging . Its consumption stimulates the production of melanin and improves the hydration of the skin. It will also have an immediate positive effect on the appearance of your hair.

Vitamin C

It is one of the best antioxidants that we can consume, since it neutralizes the effect of free radicals. You can find it in foods such as orange, lemon, kiwis, peppers …

Vitamin C, applied directly to the face, helps your skin look revitalized and is ideal in times of increased stress or fatigue. Its anti-inflammatory effect will help you on days when your face looks dull or with signs of tiredness. Contributes to the formation of collagen, improving the texture and luminosity of the skin.

If you have never heard of applying vitamins directly to the skin, change the chip! It is a totally natural way of providing all the benefits they have to offer you. Your face will be more careful, the signs of aging will decrease and beauty and health will take over you. What more can we ask for?