How do I keep my hair clean during training?

Our scalp and hair often suffer the consequences of our training, especially if we do it in closed areas like a gym, if we sweat a lot or if we play sports in broad daylight in a hot environment. Be that as it may, we bring you some tricks and tips to have clean hair so that after training you don’t have to wash it and we can continue with our lives as if nothing had happened.

Taking care of our hair is something that many women like, and also men. Hair reaffirms our personality and communicates a lot of information, beyond whether it is beautiful or not, whether it is long or short, or whether it has a light or dark tone. With hair, we are sending a lot of information abroad, although not everyone is able to decipher it.

With our hair we reaffirm our personality, depending on how well we take care of it, if we touch it a lot, if we have it up, if it is dyed, etc. Moreover, if the hair is clean or dirty, as are the 2 possibilities after a day of training.

Washing your hair daily is not recommended at all, since it can turn against us and we can suffer from oily hair, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, etc. Our scalp has an oily protective layer that, if we remove it too often, we force the body to create more, and that triggers different conditions.

Tips to keep your hair clean

To keep our hair clean while we train and be able to continue with our lives, there are a series of tips that we give below. Each of us knows our hair well and what option is best for it. We already say that our favorite tricks are the braid, the sweatband and the dry shampoo.

wet look

Hair gel or waxes have been out of use for a long time, but in these cases they can help a lot. If we take a quick shower at the gym and then have to go to a restaurant, someone’s house, or work, it’s best to use the wet look with some type of hairstyle , such as a high ponytail, braids, or something similar.

If we choose to wet the hair and dry it quickly without using shampoo or anything, the result can be extremely negative, so it is better to opt for a hair gel or a wax to create a wet effect and look perfect and perfect at all times.

Una mujer con el pelo limpio y 2 trenzas

Braids and high pigtails

If we run and do squats, we will have already discovered how good braids are, since we do not have our hair on our face, nor do we notice the wobbling of the hair, nor does it get wet from sweat. Unlike the glue, which is less useful if we want to keep our hair clean during and after training.

The good thing about braids is that when we take them off we will have perfect waves in our hair , which will give us an added bonus to our look if after training we have an appointment, meeting, lunch, etc.

headbands and turbans

We are not very in favor of wearing headbands and turbans, since our scalp is sweaty and needs to be aired so as not to get dirty and not give off a bad smell. What we can do is wear a headband or headband while we train so that the sweat is absorbed and does not reach the rest of the hair or the bangs.

But if the disaster with our hair is very big, a nice scarf, a wide headband, a turban, something similar can help us, while giving you a look totally different from our style.

dry shampoo

Dry shampoo can be useful for some parts, for example, so that the ponytail is looser, or the bangs are lighter and better looking.

The good thing about dry shampoo is that it has the power to absorb dirt and excess oil so that our hair looks cleaner. What we have to do is use it from roots to ends and then brush the hair. This product should not be abused, since it is only recommended a maximum of 3 times a week.


Lacquers have a similar effect to fixing gels and hair waxes, that is, they fix the hairstyle. Hairsprays can help us maintain a better appearance of our hair , but we only recommend them if they are combined with other elements such as a scarf or a wide headband.

If the hair is very dirty, the hairspray will not do a good job, since it will have to be combed and the result can be something disastrous. In any case, it is best to dry the hair, comb it tight and use the hairspray to fix it, but if it is wet it will not fix well.

Una mujer entrenando con el pelo limpio

Tips to consider

Do not touch our hair , it is the best advice. Therefore, when it is dirty or not very clean, it is best to pick it up, so that the inside of the hair is not visible, so the braids or the ponytail will be our allies. If we do a semi-updo, we will have to make sure that the internal parts are not seen so that suicide is not discovered.

We should not brush the hair when it is dirty , we should only pick it up as best we can using our hands (always clean and dry). It is best to opt for an updo and use hair gel for a wet effect, or some kind of simple updo with a turban or headband to hide the beginning of the hair, which can look dirtier.

It is also not a good idea to use cologne and perfumes, or to comb our hair with water, that will make the situation worse. It would only be recommended if later we are going to use the wet effect or cover it with a handkerchief, for example.

In case of using extensions , if they are the ones that cannot be removed, before starting to train, the hair must be collected, and either buns or braids are recommended to keep them clean as long as possible. If they are extensions that can be removed, it is best to remove them and store them until we have clean hair.

No wearing caps . That will make the situation worse. We can wear a cap if we are going to play sports outside on very sunny days and at high temperatures, which we do not recommend, but you have to protect your head.