Dairy can help fight heat waves

Milk is a drink whose composition is 90% water; that supposes that it is one of the best drinks to hydrate. In addition, it contains proteins of high biological value and essential amino acids to increase and preserve muscle mass.

In times of high temperatures such as summer, where many people do not stop playing sports, milk becomes essential, since it helps to replenish vitamins and minerals while helping to restore its natural water levels in your body.

Find out why dairy is great for fighting heat waves .

Propiedades de la leche para prevenir la deshidratación

The dangers of heat waves

Heat waves are usually a recurring phenomenon in summer, especially in certain years. This means reaching temperatures in certain areas of Europe above 40º.

Such high temperatures can be dangerous as they can lead to health problems. One of the most common is dehydration, which is caused by excessive sweating and / or increased physical activity.

Drinking water is usually the solution given to treat dehydration problems , but drinking milk can also be an excellent alternative, even better if you want to replace vitamins and minerals.

La mejor bebida post-entrenamiento

Drinking milk to combat heat waves

As we have said, milk is made up of 90% water, the rest being slowly digested proteins and fats. But, if we talk about hydration, milk has other advantages: it facilitates the absorption of water and electrolytes constantly over time, which is essential to replenish the necessary nutrients after intense activity.

Nutritional profile of dairy


  • Milk is high in vitamin A, C, B12, and niacin, as well as being an important source of riboflavin.
  • Cheeses have vitamin A, which is essential to keep the mucous membranes and our eyes in good condition.
  • If dairy products are enriched with vitamin D, they help strengthen bones and teeth.
Perfil nutricional de los lácteos


The predominant carbohydrate in dairy is lactose, which provides up to 25% of the total daily energy necessary to carry out our daily activities.


The proteins in milk are necessary to help rebuild and repair damaged muscle tissue after intense physical training, which is why a glass of milk turns out to be an excellent post-workout drink .

Beneficios de los lácteos para combatir las olas de calor


  • Dairy products are known to contain calcium, which contributes to normal bone and tooth development. In addition, they have other minerals such as potassium, zinc and phosphorus.
  • Cheeses, in addition to the above nutrients, also provide iodine.


Along with water, milk is the best drink to combat dehydration , since it contains not only water, but also proteins, vitamins and minerals that help to recharge after a day of intense exercise at high temperatures.