Creatine triggers the process of creating satellite cells

Did you know that creatine triggers the process of creating satellite cells ? Although perhaps, the best thing we can do throughout this article so that you understand this idea is to know the function of the latter. In this way, you will know how to best organize a workout when it comes to gaining muscle and being fit .

Satellite cells

As we just stated, creatine triggers the process of creating satellite cells . But what function do the latter fulfill? It is a type of undifferentiated cells . This means that they do not resemble those that belong to neurons, muscles, or any other group. Now, through appropriate stimulation, they can transform this characteristic, thus becoming a part of a muscle fiber, for example. In this sense, it can be said that they are similar to stem cells .

Satellite cells were discovered only a few decades ago, specifically in 1961. This fact resulted in a great advance regarding the adaptation of the body to the various types of exercise that can be performed. The person who detected them, Mauro, gave them this name because of their location, since they are located in the peripheral zone of the skeletal muscle fiber .

Role of satellite cells

When we exercise, we suffer muscle damage that is microscopic . This is marked by the eccentric phases of which the movement is composed. In this way, both sarcomeres and membranes break down. This is how swelling and inflammation occurs, due to the response of the immune system that faces the damage that has taken place . Immune cells , including white blood cells , begin to work and increase blood flow to the part of the body that has been damaged. In this way, more nutrients and more oxygen are supplied to the area, thus eliminating waste products. Likewise, the immune response is responsible for activating satellite cells .

creatina desencadena el proceso de creación de células satélite

Once this has happened, it is necessary to understand what the theory of the myonuclear domain consists of . It will be the only way to know what its mechanism of action is. The first thing to note is that muscle fibers have several nuclei , not like other cells that only have one. Each core is capable of controlling a specific area of muscle tissue. For this reason, if after provoking a stimulus in our body for a muscle to grow, it does so, the work of new nuclei will be necessary to regulate the function of the new muscle tissue that is formed. It is at this point where satellite cells take on a fundamental importance when it comes to increasing muscle mass . This is because after muscle damage occurs, protein synthesis occurs.

Protein synthesis

Two things can happen with protein synthesis. On the one hand, the formation of new muscle fibers . The reason is that satellite cells are activated and differentiate into new muscle fibers. This fact would cause the production of sarcomeric hypertrophy . On the other hand, the satellite cell would donate its nucleus to another muscle fiber in need due to the increase in muscle tissue. It must be remembered that due to this increase in muscle tissue, this new mass needs new nuclei to control it. This would produce a sarcoplasmic hypertrophy .

Training and satellite cells

Taking all of the above into account, it becomes clear that people who are athletes have a greater number of satellite cells compared to sedentary ones. On the other hand, according to a study carried out in 2004, with age there is even 40% fewer satellite cells, a fact that can be dealt with through sports activity.

musculación y creatina

If we focus on the effect of long-term training , we can observe the amount of improvement that the body enjoys. For example, in 1999, a group of scientists analyzed the number of satellite cells that those bodybuilders had who boasted of a high level compared to other healthy individuals who also practiced sports. The conclusion was that bodybuilders had up to 70% more satellite cells . Now, this amount not only depended on the hard training that the former carried out, but also on the substances they took to see their muscle mass increased .

Regarding the effects of short-term training, throughout the first weeks, according to the investigations carried out, a significant increase was not noted compared to satellite cells . Thus, for example, in 1998, the changes produced in young and older people after constant strength training, carried out for 16 weeks, did not show a significant increase in this type of cells.

The role of creatine

Creatine is a dietary supplement that is consumed by many athletes, especially those who focus on increasing their muscles. This is because it helps increase muscle fiber , thus improving physical performance. On the other hand, it also helps prevent injuries that can occur from sports . It is also a substance, a derivative of amino acids, that occurs naturally in the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

creatina desencadena el proceso de creación de células satélite

What is creatine for?

The benefits of creatine are very varied. Among them is that it provides energy to muscle fibers . In this way, it favors the training of the muscles and reduces their fatigue. It also reduces the number of injuries that can occur during sports and facilitates muscle recovery. Likewise, it causes greater performance when exercising, adapting the body to efforts. On the other hand, it increases muscle volume . This is because it promotes the accumulation of fluid within cells. In addition, it promotes the formation of greater fat-free muscle mass.

Considering the above, it is understood that creatine triggers the process of creating satellite cells . As muscle mass increases, satellite cells multiply.

Other benefits of creatine

Creatine not only offers sports-related benefits, but there are many studies that claim that creatine has a neuroprotective function . This means that it reduces, even prevents, the severity of some neurodegenerative diseases , such as muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's or Huntington's disease. It has also been concluded that this supplement has positive effects if it is linked to the treatment of diabetes, fibromyalgia, depression, osteoarthritis and cerebral ischemia.

How to take creatine

Now, yes, this supplement should always be taken under the supervision of a professional , be it a nutritionist or a doctor, to ensure that it really benefits our health. If we do not control the times or quantities, the effect may be the opposite, even damaging our body. In addition, it is necessary that together with the intake of this substance, an intense training is carried out. To this you must also add an adequate diet that favors the increase of muscle mass.

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