Benefits of adding hot spices to our dishes

Many people are reluctant to introduce hot spices into their dishes for fear of possible digestive discomfort. However, not only do they not have to cause us problems, but their benefits are very numerous.

Benefits of hot spices

Improve circulation

Hot spices contain capsaicin , a substance that fights inflammation in the arteries and improves circulation , which is why it is recommended to prevent heart disease. When we consume spicy, blood flow increases , thus stimulating our circulatory system. In this way, you can also prevent varicose vein problems and leg heaviness .

Accelerate metabolism

Thanks to the fact that the spicy accelerates the metabolism, it is also able to accelerate the expenditure of calories . This can be of great help to people who want to lose weight, since they burn fat more easily . In addition, it has a satiating effect , so it will be useful when controlling the intake of unnecessary food.

They provide energy

By speeding up metabolism, they increase energy and vitality levels . For this reason, these spices are an effective alternative to caffeine and other stimulants, since they fight fatigue without altering the nervous system. They also improve mood , generating endorphins and inducing a feeling of well-being.

Good digestions

They stimulate the production of gastric juices , which is why it helps in the digestion process. However, people who suffer from some type of stomach or digestive disorder should be careful with the consumption of spicy.

In allergies or colds

Capsaicin helps to open the nasal passages , improving congestion, sinusitis, bronchitis or even asthma. In addition, including these spices regularly in small doses, you will be helping to eliminate mucus.

There are theories that show that the consumption of spicy is an effective anticancer , since capsaicin helps to eliminate diseased cells. It is also excellent when it comes to regulating sugar , slowing the arrival of glucose into the blood and promoting the action of insulin.