Is neem oil an alternative to mouthwash?

Gum disease ranges from a simple infection and inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis, to damage to the tissue that supports the teeth, which can lead to tooth loss. Poor oral hygiene, misaligned teeth, pregnancy, and uncontrolled diabetes can increase the risk of gum disease. Extensive dental cleaning along with medications can help reverse the condition. Certain herbs and supplements like neem oil can also help prevent gingivitis.

What is neem oil?

The branches, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds of the neem tree, or Azadirachta, have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic, Unani, and homeopathic schools of medicine to treat a variety of conditions including diabetes, disease heart disease, infections, skin diseases and ulcers.

planta del aceite de neem

The bitter, yellow oil that is extracted from the tree's seeds contains biologically active compounds such as azadirachtin, triterpenes and glycerides, which give it immense medicinal value. Neem supplements are available in the form of oils, capsules, tablets, creams, and mouthwashes. Individual doses may vary based on age, general health, and the condition you are treating. Always consult an expert to find out what your ideal dose is.

Neem oil is commonly added to natural toothpastes as a purifier and as an antimicrobial agent that helps prevent dental disease. Experts reaffirm that neem twigs and its oil can effectively reduce the count of microorganisms responsible for dental diseases.

Side effects

Neem oil is safe to use for most adults. However, the oil can cause severe poisoning in young children, characterized by seizures and metabolic acidosis, according to a case report appearing in the January 2008 issue of the journal "Indian Pediatrics." Some animal studies, such as the one published in a 2009 issue of the journal "Einstein," point out that ingesting neem oil can significantly alter reproductive hormone levels in female animal models and reduce fertility.

Although it is available in most health food stores, you should speak with a doctor before using it to treat gum disease. Remember that neem oil products are rarely regulated.

Neem oil characteristics

Strong smell

One of the worst disadvantages of using this oil is the very pungent odor it gives off. The smell is very sulfurous. However, it is the pungent smell that makes it useful as an insect repellent . But the aroma is so strong that it can easily make someone who is not used to it sick. To reduce this odor, many people choose to dilute or mix the oil with other better smelling oils such as peppermint oil.

Bitter taste

It also has a very bitter taste that many people do not like. Neem oil is generally reserved for some type of body application for a disease or condition or for use as an insect repellent. Drinking the oil can cause nausea and vomiting in some people with sensitive stomachs or people who are very sensitive to taste and smell. Therefore, some people make a tea from the leaves of the neem tree that is somewhat less bitter and less dangerous than drinking the oil.