Why is it difficult for you to go to the bathroom when you go on a trip?

Going on a trip has a fundamental problem in many of us: constipation. Whether we travel alone or with someone, it is normal for our habit of going to the bathroom to get a little upset. It is normal to lose regularity, you can even suffer episodes of diarrhea and an upset stomach.

But we want this not to be the key that makes your stay bitter wherever you go, so we will tell you the key factors that make your stools go crazy.

mujer con estreñimiento en un viaje

7 causes that cause constipation when you travel

You modify your schedule to go to the bathroom

The circadian rhythm is the engine that governs our body 24 hours a day. Nature has caused our best colonic contractions to be first thing in the morning. That is why it is normal for most of us to go to the toilet after breakfast. However, it is also possible that you feel like it around 6 in the afternoon or at dinner time.

Unfortunately, jet lag and changes in your normal schedule (sleeping and eating at different times) can upset things.

What you need to do is make sure you have a few minutes first thing in the morning to take advantage of your natural bowel movement. And we know that it is difficult if you have to catch a flight in the morning.

Travel by airplane

Getting on a plane and reaching a high altitude can slow down your bowel movement. In fact, if you have irritable bowel syndrome, you will surely notice that your symptoms are aggravated when you travel by plane.
In addition, on airplanes there is little humidity, so you must bear in mind that it is important to increase hydration when you travel.

If you cannot drink during the flight, do so before boarding. If you have a gastrointestinal condition, talk to your doctor about managing this problem when you have to travel.

You are afraid or ashamed to go to a new bathroom

Many of us are afraid or ashamed to use someone else's bathroom. This causes you not to evacuate as you should and you get constipated.

The main thing is to acknowledge your concern about being in a new service and think about the underlying problem. Are you embarrassed that someone else's bathroom smells? So be sure to bring an air freshener or perfume that camouflages the smell with you. Are you worried about germs? Save some disinfectant wipes to clean the bowl before you sit down.

personas cenando con estreñimientos

You change your normal diet

We all like routine and consistency, especially your gut. Your digestive system likes to see the same foods at the same time every day. It is normal for us to change our diet when we travel and eat out most of the day. In addition, we usually eat prepared foods, and this change can cause constipation.

Make sure you eat as close to your normal diet as possible. That is, if you normally eat your meals with fruits and vegetables, make an effort to search for them. If you eat three meals a day, it is still the same number.

You are on the move and you don't want to stop

Who has not happened to be on the road or on a plane and feel the need to go to the bathroom? The problem is that you cannot stop in the middle of the highway, nor do you feel like going to the tiny plane service.

The best strategy is to be prepared and re-dedicate some downtime in the morning to go quietly. It's not a good idea to ignore the urge, but it will come back later in the day. When it does, you must go; continuing to ignore it will only make things worse.

You're stressed

Stress has many effects on the body, from eating more, diarrhea or constipation. Even though the brain sends out a “fight” message, you can sometimes have constipation.

The stress of travel may be unavoidable, but be in control of your power. For example:

  • Allow enough time to get to the airport and catch your flight.
  • Practice deep breathing with an app like Headspace if being on a plane increases your anxiety.
  • Do not drink alcohol to calm yourself, as it is a laxative and we do not want problems along the way.
  • Book a hotel room instead of staying with your in-laws if there is enough tension to cause stomach problems.

You are prone to constipation

There is also the possibility that you are already going on a constipated trip from home. If your day to day is having problems evacuating, it is not surprising that the days you are away you do not go to the bathroom either. The downside is that one day can turn into three or a week.

Try planning ahead to give your body a little extra help. For example, you can start with your morning coffee , especially if you don't drink it regularly. In case you love to drink this drink right after waking up, have a little more. If that doesn't work, use a stool softener or a mild laxative like Micralax. Avoid other over-the-counter laxatives as they can lead to diarrhea, and we don't want that either.

It also doesn't hurt to drink prune juice or a little kiwi to activate intestinal transit.