Why is it bad to have coffee before breakfast?

Many people are used to having a coffee as soon as they get up and after a few hours, stop for breakfast or, at least, eat something solid. This custom can cause us some other health problem and we must stop doing it from today.

Coffee is a very widespread drink throughout the world and its strongest rival is tea, but it does not reach the fame or figures that coffee has. A drink loved and hated in equal measure and that is full of benefits, as well as contraindications if we exceed its consumption.

Drinking coffee as soon as you open an eye in bed is something that hundreds of thousands of people do around the world. A new study explains why we shouldn’t drink coffee before breakfast, and the reasons are pretty compelling, as we could suffer short-term and long-term consequences, regardless of age and gender.

Disadvantages of coffee before breakfast

Tomar café antes del desayuno

The University of Bath concludes, after its study on almost 30 adult volunteers published in the British Journal of Nutrition, that drinking coffee before breakfast affects the metabolism of glucose in the body . Therefore, it is better to have something for breakfast, and then have our coffee.

In the study, several checks were made, separating the participants into different groups, so that everyone had a drink as soon as they woke up. What was proven is that sleeping well or badly and having a sugary drink upon waking did not alter the metabolism excessively. However, drinking coffee right after waking up increased the blood sugar response by 50%. So, experts say, to counteract the potential for blood sugar, it’s best to eat breakfast and then drink coffee.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is also negative for our stomach, and even more so, if we suffer from a digestive disorder. By drinking coffee before having breakfast, what is achieved is to increase the production of acid in the stomach and that translates into specific short-term and serious long-term discomforts such as ulcers, gastritis and the like.

Other consequences of drinking a lot of coffee

Also, the abuse of coffee during the day and that prolonged in time, can lead to a failure in the adrenal gland due to excess stimulation. Coffee is usually drunk to stimulate the brain, be alert, not fall asleep, have more energy, etc. In the long run, it has been shown that the adrenal gland, which is responsible for cortisol, will reduce the secretion of this hormone because it will not see it necessary.

Cortisol is essential for our body since it helps respond to stress, fights infections, regulates blood sugar, maintains blood pressure, etc. If cortisol levels are low, the body is not able to regulate glucose, blood pressure, we will have anemia, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc.

In addition, coffee has other consequences such as addiction, and it is that it manages to alter the chemistry of the brain and little by little (and without realizing it) we need to drink more cups of coffee a day to achieve the same effects that we previously achieved with a cup or two. According to experts, the maximum is 4 cups of coffee a day for a healthy adult.