Why do my eyes get irritated when swimming in the pool?

Getting in the pool can cool you down and is a fun way to get in shape. Although a cool bath can leave your body refreshed and invigorated, it can also cause itchy and irritated eyes. Eye irritation due to chlorine is a common problem among those who swim in treated pools.

What is "swimmer's eye"?

Conjunctivitis can stem from allergies, bacteria, or, as is often the case with swimmer's eye, contact with chemicals. Caused by irritants such as chlorine in the eyes, air pollution, or chemical exposure, chemical conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva , the thin layer of transparent tissue that covers the white of the eye.

muñeco minion con ojos irritados en la piscina

Learn to identify swimmers' eye, as well as to prevent it before your next swim in the pool. People who experience chemical conjunctivitis while swimming may show symptoms in one or both eyes . These symptoms include a gritty sensation, itching, burning, and excessive tearing.

Discharge from one or both eyes is a common swimmers eye symptom, as are puffy eyelids, red eyes, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision.

Home remedies for irritated eye

Thorough rinsing of the eyes with warm water or saline can help remove irritants from the surface of the eye, relieving chemical conjunctivitis. People who wear contact lenses may need to discontinue wearing their lenses until the eye inflammation and irritation have passed.

Cold compresses continue to be one of the most effective home treatments for conjunctivitis. Most people find a clean washcloth soaked in cold water to be the most relaxing, but you can also alternate it with a warm compress .

To further combat inflammation and irritation, over-the-counter artificial tears can relieve itching and burning. If your doctor suspects that you have a real allergy to chlorine in the eyes or other allergens related to swimming, he may recommend eye drops that contain antihistamines.

persona en una piscina con gafas en los ojos

When to seek professional help?

Eye irritation that lasts more than a few hours after swimming or does not respond to self-care treatment should be evaluated by an eye healthcare professional. See an ophthalmologist if you have a thick, pus- like discharge.

Swimmers' eyes related to chlorine irritation can lead to temporary cloudy vision . This brief blurring is not unusual, but see your eye doctor if vision changes persist for more than an hour or two. Long-term vision problems can indicate more serious complications.

How to prevent eye irritation?

Help prevent eye irritation when swimming in a home pool by testing the pH level of the water frequently and adjusting the pool chemicals accordingly. According to experts, a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8 is ideal for eye comfort and pool disinfection.

However, realistically, maintaining the ideal pH level in a pool can be difficult, even when it's your own. And in a public swimming pool, the chemical and pH levels are definitely out of your control.

Due to this uncertainty, protecting your eyes is your best defense against swimmers' eyes. Swimming goggles can be a good alternative for both children and adults. These goggles protect against eye irritation from chlorine in the eyes by providing an airtight barrier between sensitive eye tissues and pool water.