What's the worst breakfast you can make?

Around the globe there are countless traditions, tastes and preferences when it comes to having the first meal of the day. Breakfast is important, yes, but even more important is what we eat and how we eat it. Let’s make it clear which foods make up the worst breakfast in the world.

Having breakfast marks the beginning of the day and therefore it must be a complete and varied breakfast, but far from what many believe, it should not be too burdensome. Overeating is negative, you just have to eat until your appetite is satisfied. No matter how healthy a dish is, the portions have to be small and very varied.

Among the best options for breakfast are 100% whole wheat bread, whole fresh fruit, good quality dairy or good quality vegetable milk, slices of turkey or chicken where there is at least 90% meat, avocado , salmon, pure cocoa, healthy cocoa cream, etc.

The worst breakfast in the world favors diabetes , cholesterol, high blood pressure, kidney problems, gastritis, diarrhea, being overweight, etc. We must be careful with what we eat and put aside ultra-processed products and give preference to fresh options.

Worst breakfasts

El peor desayuno del mundo

Each country or region has its customs and as we grow, these customs vary. In fact, there are many, many adults who have only one coffee when they wake up and do not eat anything else for more than 4 hours. This has already been shown to be detrimental to health, among other issues, because it alters blood glucose levels.

Some bad breakfast ingredients are:

  • Bacon: it has large amounts of saturated fat, in fact, its consumption is related to some cancers in humans.
  • Fried eggs: eggs are very healthy, in fact, we should eat at least 3 a week, but never fried, in any case make eggs in the microwave.
  • Butter: it also has saturated fat, although its consumption may be occasional. In any case, choose one that is high quality with extra virgin olive oil.
  • Refined cereals: breakfast cereals are one of the worst options we have for breakfast. It does not matter that they sell it to us with the deception of “rich in fiber” “, they are actually rich in carbohydrates, that is, free sugars. It is best to take oats, for example.
  • White or refined bread: sliced bread, or white bread, is made with refined flours, many hydrates, sugars and fats saturated by low-quality oils. It is best to choose 100% wholemeal bread and if it is made with extra virgin olive oil, the better.
  • Industrial pastries: everything that is muffins, sobaos, cookies, cakes, waffles, pancakes, syrups, croissants, etc. All of this is made with refined flours, low-quality oils like palm oil, large amounts of sugar, low-quality butters, etc. You have to remove it from breakfast as much as possible.
  • Fruit juices: you have to opt better for whole fruit, which we can mix with yogurt, for example. For a day that we drink orange juice, for example, squeezed by us, nothing will happen, but the whole fruit is always better.