What is the ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet is currently experiencing its best moment. There are many people who undergo this type of diet to lose weight and eliminate fat. We tell you what are the characteristics of this diet and if it is recommended to lose weight.

Ketogenic diet: reducing carbohydrates to oxidize fats

The basis of this diet is to reduce the intake of carbohydrates to promote the oxidation of fats, which form ketogenic bodies. The brain uses these compounds as an energy source due to the lack of glucose (by consuming almost no carbohydrates).

dieta cetogénica

dieta cetogénica

In a balanced diet, the amount of carbohydrates daily is usually 50-60% of the total calories and, as you can see, in a ketogenic diet it is usually around 5-15%. The amount of protein is usually maintained according to a balanced diet, and fats become the main nutrient (65-75%).
Roughly, with the decrease of carbohydrates and the increase of healthy fats, our body is forced to use fats as fuel.

There is no single type of ketogenic diet, there are several versions, some being more flexible than others. We find those that allow us to consume vegetables in a controlled way, others that totally prohibit carbohydrates and others that even bet on fasting.
The goal for any variant remains the same: burn fat to create ketogenic bodies.

What foods are allowed?

  • Healthy fats. Butter, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds.
  • Vegetables with low carbohydrate content (2 g carbohydrates / 100 grams). Spinach, endives, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, chard, zucchini, cucumber, celery, cauliflower …
  • Protein with great contribution in healthy fats (Omega 3). Sardines, salmon, tuna, organic meat, white fish, rabbit …

What benefits and risks are there?

As it is a diet that restricts (but does not eliminate) certain groups of macronutrients, there are advantages and disadvantages that we will explain below.

Ketogenic diet benefits

Studies have shown that this type of diet helps maintain muscle mass , even with less protein intake. It is also true that it may not occur in all people, since there has not been much research on the mechanism they followed to assess it.
Something that is proven is that it reduces the levels of inflammation markedly and also acts positively against cancer . There are many tumors that degrade mitochondria and depend on glycogenesis to grow. Not having high glucose levels (due to the almost carbohydrate intake), it could "starve" the cancer.

Even, there are studies that ensure that we become longer- lived with this type of diet.

Risks that are usually present

It is very important that this diet is advised and monitored by a nutrition expert. Taking bad habits or not knowing how to choose the right foods can make us fall into a malnutrition of micronutrients and fiber.