What is the Cinderella Diet and what are its dangers?

There are many people who are joining to follow the diet that has the name of a Disney princess, yes, the Cinderella Diet. For three months it has gone viral on social networks, with a clear Japanese origin. It began to expand on Twitter, but today there are accounts on Instagram where we see how girls lose weight in an exaggerated way.
The Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (Seedo) warns of the dangers that this diet has for our health and alarms the popularity that it already reaches in Spain.

What does the Cinderella Diet consist of?

Let’s start from the fact that it is not a recommended diet, not even temporarily. Its little energy contribution to face our day to day may end up leading to anorexia. Whenever you want to lose weight, you must learn to eat and have a balanced diet; This way you will achieve your goals and you can keep them in time. The problem arises when girls (mostly teenagers) dream of having a fictitious body, in which bodily proportions are impossible.

dieta cenicienta

The Cinderella Diet tells us that we have to reach a body mass index (BMI) of 18 , much lower than the recommended values of 18.5 and 24.9. Once again we tell you that this measurement is not useful to know if you are healthy or not, it is necessary to take into account another series of parameters such as the percentage of body fat.
If we reach that low BMI value, we will be jeopardizing our health. It will give us face with excessive exhaustion, anemia, headache, dizziness, changes in menstruation and mood, low self-esteem, osteoporosis …

In reality there are no clear nutritional guidelines to follow this diet, they only require us to eat less for the simple fact of losing weight. So we are not facing a miracle diet in which some nutritional group is eliminated, but this “diet” only worships thinness regardless of health.
Eating disorders very commonly originate from extreme regimes like this one from Cinderella.

The affected ones? Women under 18

Most of those affected by the Cinderella Diet are girls of developing age. Social networks are a big problem for those people who do not know how to identify the retouched photos with reality. Associating thinness with body beauty is something that continues to exist, although less and less. Even so, there are girls who think that this type of physique is the only way to achieve social acceptance, regardless of how dangerous it may be for their integrity.

A healthy lifestyle, sports and a balanced diet make you stay at your right weight without much effort. You will not see the results from today to tomorrow, but they will last over time without harming your body. Keep in mind that malnutrition can cause alopecia, dry skin, broken nails, etc. In the end, you will get frustrated at seeing your effort to not eat fail, because even if your weight goes down, your body will look sick.