What is the exercise that burns the most calories?

Cardiovascular exercises are ideal for burning calories and fat accumulated in the body, it is the exercise that trainers and nutritionists generally indicate when someone wants to lose weight . But what is the exercise that burns the most calories? These exercises can be done with low or high impact according to the needs and skills of each person, as we will see below.

The exercises that burn the most calories and their effectiveness are measured by the amount of calories they can eliminate, and as a consequence, produce a decrease in fat deposits that are visible in some areas of the body.

The exercise that burns the most calories

Although running is still a complete and easy-to-understand exercise, other workouts have emerged that put the entire cardiovascular system to work and increase heart rate to such a speed that they can burn more Kcal per minute.

The name of this exercise is “Swing” and consists of grabbing a kettlebell with a handle and balancing it with an extended arm, raising it to shoulder height and then lowering it by its own weight until it is balanced between the legs, which should be at a moderate distance.

El columpio, ejercicio que más calorías quema

According to studies and medical evaluations, it has been established that exercise burns more than 20 calories per minute. In such a way that for each 15-minute routine, 300 calories are burned . This measure is much higher than that of other exercises such as jumping rope that barely burns 120 calories in 15 minutes.

The swing is not a traditional exercise but it has become very effective to lose weight in a short time . It also manages to tone muscles and skin, thus avoiding the characteristic flaccidity of those who lose weight quickly.

In principle, both hands can be used to hold the weight, especially for those who are not used to movements with weights in the gym. Then the difficulty and effort can be increased by performing the sets with one hand. Each routine can be 15 or 20 minutes alternating both arms .


Before starting to lift weights , the muscles should be warmed up to avoid injury . First the related muscles must be set in motion; shoulders, wrists, neck and ankles.

Natural warm-up exercises include jogging, flexing the joints, and low-impact, gentle repetition sets. After that , the proper position of the legs and back should be evaluated before lifting the weight . Once balanced and in the correct position, the routine can begin.

Other effective exercises to burn calories

To combat boredom in the gym or during home training, you can alternate the “Swing” with other very effective exercises to burn calories, such as “Burpees”, which consists of a fusion between a squat and a push-up that manages to activate many areas of the body and especially accelerate the pulsations.

Otro ejercicio que quema muchas calorías son los Burpees

This exercise can burn up to 14 calories per minute, ranking it second as the highest calorie burning exercise .

The initial position is standing , then a squat and from there the legs are extended backwards to be in the basic position of the push-up, then the movement is made back to standing again.

The ideal is to do at least 10 repetitions per minute to be really effective and increase the pulsations to burn fat. This exercise is the equivalent of doing more than half an hour on a stationary bike, so it is very practical to speed up the metabolism without using additional tools.