What is a stye and how can it be treated?

At any unexpected moment we may be unlucky enough to suffer a stye. You have probably been through this or are still with the swollen eyelid. It looks pimple, but its symptoms go beyond simple visual discomfort. We tell you everything about the stye and how to treat them for a prompt elimination.

What is a stye?

When a sebaceous gland on the edge of the eyelid swells, it creates a bump. A stye is a small red bump that looks like a pimple and is quite painful. Most usually contain pus and normally form on the outside of the eyelid, although they also exist internally.

orzuelo en el ojo

The most common thing is that the stye disappears in about four days, but you must take certain precautions not to worsen the healing process. And in case it lasts too long, go to the doctor for an evaluation.

What can be the causes of its appearance?

Staphylococcal infection

It is the most common cause (9 out of 10 cases). The infection is caused by bacteria that we have on the skin and in the nose, and which are normally harmless, although they are the cause of infections in many wounds. The problem occurs when direct contact is made with the edge of the eyelid. That is, if you scratch your eyes with dirty hands, if you do not have clean glasses, if you change the lenses without disinfecting your fingers or if you neglect your makeup.

Chronic inflammation of the edge of the eyelid

Chronic blepharitis is an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid that normally attacks both eyes and causes irritation and redness. Blepharitis is an inflammation that affects the eyelash follicles and the glands that are between them. Cases usually occur in people over 50, but can also occur at any age. As a result of this inflammation, styes may well appear.

What symptoms does it present?

The most characteristic symptom is a small yellowish spot in the center of the "pimple" located on the eyelid. Even so, it is also usually accompanied by:

  • Pain and itching of the eyelids.
  • Tearing of the eyes.
  • Legañas.
  • Swelling.
  • Light sensitivity.
  • Red eyes.
  • Discomfort when blinking.

Can it be prevented?

Many think that stye can be passed from one person to another, but in reality it is not possible. You must be very hygienic so as not to worsen the situation of your eye and prevent the infection from spreading to the other eye or to a person. What you should do is:

  • Wash your hands frequently and use disinfectant several times a day. Of course, the ideal is also to avoid contact of your hands with the eyes.
  • Check the makeup or cosmetics you apply to your eyes. They may be expired or have been used by other people. The latter does not mean that this person has an infection, but they can affect the different bacteria in you.
  • Keep your glasses and contact lenses clean.
  • Avoid putting foreign objects in your eyes. Surely you have not noticed the cinema glasses, yoga eye bags or sleep masks.

How is a stye treated?

The first thing we should do is go to the doctor so that, with his special tools, he can check our eyelid and determine that it is a stye. A test may also be done to diagnose bacteria. In this case, the doctor will make a small incision to reduce the pressure of the stye and obtain a sample of pus.

The most common is that a stye does not need pharmacological treatment, with some home remedies it will be enough.

  • Apply hot, wet compresses to the affected area for at least 10 minutes. Repeat four times a day.
  • Clean the area around the affected eye.
  • Do not squeeze the stye, or move it much.
  • Do not apply makeup or wear glasses until it has healed.

If it has not disappeared in a week, go to the doctor again to determine what happens. Sometimes a small operation can be performed.