Herbs and spices to improve the appearance of the skin

There are many natural resources that can help us show off a beautiful and revitalized complexion. Both including some spices and infusions in our diet, and using them as a cosmetic, is very useful and has very effective results for that purpose. Pay attention to the following tips to improve the appearance of your skin with the following options.

A beautiful and well-groomed face is not only a symbol of youth, it is also evidence of health . And it is that a healthy and natural diet takes care of us on the inside and manifests itself on the outside. If you want to say goodbye to some evidence of the passage of time, pay attention to certain herbs and spices that can greatly favor the state of your skin.


Herbs and spices to improve the appearance of the skin

Although there are some factors that could accelerate the aging process, such as smoking, prolonged exposure to the sun or poor nutrition; There are others that could slow down this process, such as correct nutrition.


It is a natural option well known for its calming properties . It is capable of reducing inflammation, smoothing the skin and promoting cell regeneration. In addition, it has a cleansing and lightening effect, so it favors the unification of the tone. You can take it as an infusion, or use it as a facial tonic.


Its great antioxidant power is capable of reducing the damage caused by free radicals. In this way, it not only reduces the number of diseases, but also helps to nuance the signs of the passage of time such as wrinkles, blemishes, dryness, sagging …


Oregano has great antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant properties . It can be used both in food, as a tonic or to wash your face. It is very effective in treating the presence of acne and pimples.


Strong antioxidant, it contains vitamins C and E, carotenes and other components that neutralize free radicals. Therefore, it is very effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.


Cinnamon is known for its high antioxidant value , capable of maintaining the health of the skin in perfect condition. It contributes to its oxygenation since it stimulates blood circulation. It has the ability to tone and soften its texture, making it look beautiful and revitalized.

As you can see, sometimes taking care of ourselves is easier than we think. The important thing is to know the properties of all these natural foods and to know how we can use them to promote our health and, consequently, our physical appearance.