What happens to your body when you train at high temperatures

Training at high temperatures in summer is inevitable. It is one of the great inconveniences of the summer season and you should pay special attention whatever the physical activity you do: walking, running, going to the gym or practicing a team sport. In this article we will tell you what happens to the body when you train at high temperatures.

What happens to your body when you train at high temperatures?

What you have to do in this hot season and high temperatures, according to the Mayo Clinic, is to drink enough fluids while you train, wear appropriate clothing and, of course, avoid exposing yourself to too strong heat.

But what happens to your body when you train at high temperatures? The body is a powerful and overly intelligent instrument, and if you train at high temperatures your body will almost certainly react. To begin with, the heat puts extra stress on the body. Even if you don't exercise, you will notice that your body starts to get irritated. Sweat comes in, discomfort, and body temperature rises.

If you don't take proper precautions, your body may react and become ill. Not only does it affect temperature, it also affects exercise and even humidity, factors that cause body temperature levels to rise.

Las altas temperaturas pueden afectar al cuerpo considerablemente

This is how the body reacts when you train at high temperatures

Does heat really have an effect on the body when you train at high temperatures? For starters, you can be a victim of the dreaded heat stroke. Heat stroke is a disorder that occurs when the body is overheated, generally caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

It is the most serious injury caused by heat and occurs when the body temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius or higher. In addition, it is the most frequent in the summer. The body interacts with heat in that, when it reaches high temperatures, to cool itself, it sends more blood to circulate through the skin. This causes the muscles to empty of blood, which causes the heart rate to increase.

Another big problem is humidity. If this is high, then the stress on the body is redoubled, because sweat does not evaporate from the skin, which obviously causes the body temperature to rise.

Consequences of training at high temperatures

The consequences are immediate and you can easily notice them. For starters, if you are affected by heatstroke, you will notice muscle cramps. These occur when muscles contract painfully and happen while you train. Although the body temperature is normal, it is possible to feel the muscles firm to the touch, a sign that the muscle is contracted.

Another symptom you may experience as a result of training at high temperatures is heat syncope. What are the symptoms? Dizziness or fainting caused by high temperatures. Heat syncope occurs after standing for long periods of time. In the case of exercise, it occurs immediately after physical activity. The people who are most affected are runners.

Be very careful with the heat. The consequences of being exposed to it can be deadly. What causes? Confusion, irritability, headache, nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, high heart rate, fatigue, and even visual problems. Heatstroke can cause brain damage, organ failure, and even death.

Así puedes recuperarte cuando entrenas a altas temperaturas

What to do to recover?

As we have already advanced, you must drink enough fluids. We recommend drinks rich in electrolytes, as they help to hydrate the body almost immediately. And what if I am in the middle of heat stroke? Try to stay calm. The first thing you should do is stop physical activity immediately and hydrate yourself. Get in the shade to try to reduce the consequences of heat stroke; It is best to have someone by your side throughout this process in case you need to call the emergency room.

Another thing you should do to reduce body heat is to get rid of the clothes you are wearing, at least as much as possible and, if possible, soak your body in a bathtub with cold water. After 20 minutes you should regain body temperature. If not, consult the nearest emergency service.

How to avoid heat stroke

Always monitor the temperature of the place where you do your physical activity: now it is very easy to track the weather conditions from your computer or mobile. Also, as you get used to training at high temperatures, we recommend reducing the intensity of your workouts.

Drink lots of water while you train : in addition to staying hydrated, you will help your body to sweat and cool off. When physical activity is very intense, then we suggest you get a sports drink instead of water. Of course, do not neglect the clothing. The lighter and more baggy the better. And of course, try not to wear black when exercising.