What happens to the fat we lose when losing weight?

We have a certain obsession with the types of diet, workouts and the different techniques that exist to lose weight. I admit that I was stunned watching the legendary program I'm not fat on MTV anymore, what willpower to lose weight and, above all, fat!

Have you ever wondered what happens to fat when we lose weight? Please do not tell me that you think it is transformed into muscle or expelled as sweat. To avoid unnecessary disappointment, we tell you about a study carried out by the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of New South Wales (Australia).

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Where does our body fat go?

Andrew Brown, director of the School and co-author of the study, commented that " there is surprising ignorance and confusion about the metabolic processes involved in weight loss ." In fact, Ruben Meerman, author of the study, confirms that most of the fat is lost in the air. If you are staying pictures, we explain how this conclusion was reached.

To lose 10 kg of fat, you have to inhale 29 kg of oxygen

Meerman wanted to do a study on himself: " In 2013, I lost 15 kg and just wanted to know where they had gone. The results left me speechless. We are in the midst of a global obesity crisis, and we should all know how to respond to the simple question of where the lost fat is going. But it wasn't until I showed my calculations to Andrew Brown that we both realized how poorly this issue has been addressed so far . "

Brown , co-author of the research, said that the research was approached from another point of view, specifically tracking each of the atoms of the lost fat .

According to the researchers, the follow-up from atom to atom led to 10 kg of lost fat, with 8.4 kg being exhaled as carbon dioxide through the lungs. The remaining 1.6 kg was converted to water , being expelled from the body through urine, secretions, sweat, tears, or other bodily fluids.

They argue that " none of this is obvious to people because the carbon dioxide we breathe out is an invisible gas ." In fact, for many years, medicine and nutrition experts were convinced that lost fats were transformed into energy or heat .

If I breathe more, do I lose more fat?

We only needed to tell you that the fat is converted mainly to carbon dioxide so that now you start to breathe like crazy. No, you will not lose more fat by breathing more . You yourself will have suffered an episode of dizziness or hyperventilation due to not having the correct breathing. Do not make efforts to consume oxygen, just breathe what your body demands.

Obviously, if you do physical activity , you will increase your breaths and help you lose fat.