What does the "low carb" diet consist of?

On some occasions we have given you low carb or low carb recipes, but do you really know what this diet consists of? As you can imagine by its name, it is a food trend that decreases the consumption of carbohydrates. Thus giving more prominence to fats and proteins.

Normally, those who follow this diet is because they seek to decrease their percentage of body fat and weight, although it also directly influences metabolism. By taking fewer carbohydrates, we will begin to use our fat stores for energy.

What is the low carb diet?

As simple as a low carb diet.

We must be clear that in our diet we must keep in mind the major nutritional groups, without eliminating any. Carbohydrates are neither harmful nor detrimental to our body. They are vital for us to function properly, but we must not focus our energy source 100% on them.

Abusing carbohydrate consumption usually leads us to increase our weight and limit our ability to burn fat. It is also common that in diets that are rich in carbohydrates there is a deficit of micronutrients. That is why it is necessary to have a balanced diet prolonged in time, although we can make small impasses to improve our appearance if we want to reach a goal.

Once we get into the low carb or low carb diet, energy will begin to flow from the fat consumed and will become the primary energy source.

Benefits of this type of diet

Before changing your diet, it is recommended that you go to a dietitian-nutritionist so that he or she can tell you the steps to follow. If you are overweight, it will be enough to have a balanced diet, without radically reducing the consumption of carbohydrates exclusively.
Even so, if you are aware of doing it, we are going to tell you about the benefits that you can find:

  • Food anxiety decreases . By eating more protein and fat, we satiate ourselves more and reduce appetite. This directly affects anxiety about eating; the body will begin to be less hungry between meals.
    In addition, as you reduce your carbohydrate intake, your anxiety about eating sweets will also decrease.
  • You don't overeat . We usually eat more than we need, either out of boredom or gluttony. It is also true that the food industry is in charge of introducing products to the market that stimulate their consumption even though they are not vital.
    To carry out this curse, they add carbohydrates to almost everything so as not to create a feeling of satiety and prevent us from identifying what we need to eat and what not.

  • Normalizes blood glucose . Glucose in the blood is immediately stabilized by decreasing the intake of carbohydrates. It is especially positive in those who suffer from type II diabetes, since by decreasing the foods that are quickly converted into glucose, it stabilizes quickly.
  • Improves the taste of food . By reducing carbohydrate intake, much of the sugar is removed from our diet and we begin to regain our taste for flavors that were camouflaged by sugar.
    Roughly, when we eat a lot of sugar in a diet, the foods taste very sweet.
  • Improve our physique . As we mentioned before, eating less carbohydrates stimulates fat burning. Logically, it will affect our weight and physique, increasing the proportion of muscle and decreasing that of fat. It is a diet that favors the loss of abdominal fat more than the subcutaneous fat, reason why you will lose the most dangerous reserves for your health.
    In addition, having a diet with too many carbohydrates encourages us to eat less quality fat and protein. If we combine it with sports or physical activities, your muscles will become stronger and you will have a more compact physical appearance.