What are the worst times to weigh yourself?

In other articles we have commented that the number reflected by the scale is very subjective with how we are physically. That is to say, a soccer player can have a weight or a BMI the same as that of an obese person, but his physical qualities will have nothing to do with it. Yes, it is possible that you can be overweight, according to the number that the scale says, and be pure muscle.

Even so, there are many who decide to take weight as a reference to know how much they lose weight or gain weight. If you are in this stage of control, we recommend that you avoid weighing yourself at certain times such as those detailed below.

At night

Always weigh yourself at the same time and in the same clothes, if possible without it. In addition, during the day our body suffers various digestions, liquids are retained, the stomach is filled and it undergoes other processes that can increase our weight. The ideal is to get on the scale freshly raised, fasting and rested, in order to obtain a real weight.

During the menstrual cycle

Logically, this affects only women. The hormones, during the period, are revolutionized and favor the retention of liquids. That is why on many occasions we feel bloated and heavier than we usually have. Try weighing yourself two days before or two days after your cycle for a more accurate weight.

After eating

It is normal that after eating we weigh more. Having eaten food, our body undergoes a process of digestion that involves metabolizing nutrients. Obviously, until this process is complete, we will not have a real weight. In addition, we must bear in mind that going to the bathroom also favors accuracy. We say it again: weigh yourself on an empty stomach.

After training

When we do physical activity, we tend to sweat and lose fluids. That is why our result will be less than the real one. As soon as you hydrate and eat food, your weight will automatically go up and you will be happy when you weigh again. If you are curious to know how much liquid you have lost, it is an option.

As we told you before, weight should be a secondary metric. It is more important to take into account the percentage of fat to know if we are overweight or not. In addition, the weather, stress, hormones or the amount of fluid we drink directly influences weight. We don't just control our physique with food, so don't be obsessed.