Training during the holidays: tips to keep fit

As much as we promise ourselves that we will hit the gym during our summer vacation, it is not always possible. However, there are a wide variety of exercises you can do anywhere and tips to stay active and train during the holidays, even when you are not near your regular gym. Take a look at these tips to stay active during your summer vacation.

How to stay fit and train during the summer break

Don’t forget to drink water and warm up before your workout

Dehydration affects performance and exercise performance, as water is lost, both through breathing and sweating. To stay hydrated and get the best possible performance, drink a few glasses of water hours before exercising or have 1 or 2 glasses of water about 15 minutes before training.

It is also important that you do a gradual warm-up that helps a lot to prevent injuries. A good warm-up increases blood flow to the muscles you are going to work, which means improved muscle stiffness and therefore less risk of injury. Your warm-up may consist of stretching, walking, running a bit, or just doing your regular training session at a slower pace.

Do exercises that you can practice at home or outside

Try this excellent series of exercises that you can do outdoors or at home. All you need is a little space and a jump rope. Repeat for 30 minutes:

  • 10 burpees .
  • 10 squats .
  • 10 push-ups .
  • 10 sit-ups .
  • 100 jumps with the rope .

Have fun with summer games

Summer is a time of year when more free time is generally available, giving you, your family and friends, a great opportunity to go out and enjoy games and exercise together. We leave you some simple and fun ideas to spend the summer and train during the holidays without realizing it:

  • Play soccer with your little ones in the garden or on the patio after dinner.
  • As a parent, don’t just watch, whatever the activity: Surfing, biking, hiking, get actively involved.
  • Coordinate squirt gun fights with your kids , this is a great way to run and it’s a lot of fun.
consejos para hacer ejercicio en vacaciones

Train abroad

If you want to do some exercise during your summer holidays, the best thing is to walk, swim, run or even rent a bicycle to get to know the area. Especially if you spend long hours throughout the year working indoors or spending your free time at home, on your vacation it’s time to get out and use exercise as an excuse for activities outside the home. Not only will it be beneficial for increasing your vitamin D levels, but it is a great way to clear your mind and keep working on your overall well-being.

If you don’t want to exercise, stay active

If you don’t want to exercise on vacation, try increasing your daily activity level. There is no need to search for a hotel gym or jog on the beach at sunrise, walk as often as possible and get your daily business done on vacation by strolling along the beach or sightseeing on foot.

Let your surroundings keep you fit

The summer vacation you choose will affect your activities: Beach vacations are perfect for long walks on the sand, swimming, snorkeling, diving and climbing sand dunes to get your heart rate up; The city breaks mean you can do a lot of daily steps while visiting sites that interest you; If you go to the mountains , you can walk or ride a bike to explore trails and visit natural enclaves and, at the same time, burn calories.

Make sure to do sightseeing on foot as much as possible. This not only means that you can explore your destination at will, discovering hidden enclaves hidden outside the most common areas, but it will also increase your level of activity and reduce sedentary lifestyle.

Stay motivated

Being fully motivated to exercise and train will be quite difficult when you know that there is a creamy ice cream waiting for you by the pool. So to make sure you spend quality time on your workout, you need to plan one that motivates you , whether it’s lifting weights in the gym, a high intensity (HIIT), low intensity (LISS) or a mix of the two. Whatever option you choose should include the workout or activity you want to do, even when you have the tempting idea of savoring that delicious ice cream.