Tone your swimmer muscles with this 20 minute workout

If swimming is your preferred workout, exercising on dry land can make you feel like a fish out of water. But you don't need a pool (or a lot of equipment) to improve your swimming skills. This 20 minute swimmer workout will help you build full body strength with just five quick exercises.

But even if you're not a swimmer, you can benefit from the full-body strength that this workout provides. And by the time this sweaty workout is over, you'll feel like you've just stepped out of the pool.

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20 minute workout routine for swimmers

You will only have to do each of these movements for 45 seconds , resting for 15 seconds between exercises, repeating for 4 sets in total, resting as necessary between your sets.


  • Start standing tall with your arms at your sides.
  • Squat down and place your hands on the floor at shoulder height.
  • Jump your feet back on a high board with your hands directly in line with your shoulders, your body in a straight line from your head to your hips and your heels.
  • Do a push-up, bending your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body and bringing your chest to float off the ground.
  • Press up on a board.
  • Jump your feet up to your hands and then jump into the air, raising your arms above your head for momentum.
  • Land with your knees bent and go straight to the next rep.

Kettlebell or dumbbell swings

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, grasping a kettlebell (or heavy dumbbell) on the floor between your feet.
  • Keeping your back flat, roll your hips back and pull the weight between your legs and under your hips.
  • On an exhale, push your hips forward and straighten your legs, swinging the weight up to chest level with control.
  • Using the momentum of the bell, swing the weight back between your legs and under your hips while simultaneously sinking with your hips and bending your knees.
  • Push your hips forward again to return to the next swing.

If you haven't done a kettlebell swing before, start with a lower weight until you feel comfortable with the movement. Keep your core engaged so you don't arch your back and don't let the momentum of the kettlebell drag you down – you control the weight.

Superman bird-dog

  • Start on your hands and knees with your shoulders stacked above your wrists and your hips directly above your knees.
  • Step back with your right foot and then your left to balance your hands and toes. Your body should form a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Tuck your pelvis in to engage your core and squeeze your glutes.
  • Hold this position while maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Extend your right arm in front of your body, keeping your pelvis stable.
  • At the same time, raise your left leg several inches.
  • Pause here for a moment, then switch sides.

Jumping jacks

  • Stand with your knees slightly bent, your feet together, and your arms at your sides.
  • Simultaneously, spread both feet and swing your arms sideways, then up.
  • Jump with both feet together and lower your arms to your sides.


  • Start on a high plank with your core and glutes engaged. Your shoulders should be stacked on top of your wrists and your hips should be in line with your head and heels.
  • Bend your elbows at an angle of approximately 45 degrees from your torso and lower your body toward the ground.
  • On the way down, squeeze your shoulder blades.
  • When your chest hovers just above the ground (or as far as you can go), press down on the ground and spread your shoulder blades to return to the starting position.