Tomato properties: what are the benefits of this fruit?

This fruit, which is often treated as a vegetable, is used in a large number of recipes in the Mediterranean diet and its benefits far outweigh its use. Originally from South and Central America, the properties of tomato are recognized throughout the world, as it contains great nutritional values.

Tomato properties: symbol of the Mediterranean diet

The tomato is one of the symbols of the Mediterranean diet, although it arrived in Europe from the Americas in the mid-16th century. Thanks to the innumerable properties of the tomato, it is now one of the most consumed fruits today .

Its high water content helps to keep the body hydrated and reduces total calorie intake . It also contains very little sugar, a good dose of vitamin C with an antioxidant effect, and a lot of potassium, which helps keep blood pressure within limits and is important for muscle function and cell exchange.

beneficios del tomate

Thanks to the amount of fiber it contains, the tomato is considered an excellent prebiotic that adequately nourishes the "good" bacteria present in the intestine and promotes a correct intestinal balance . This balance, as we know, is essential to stay healthy and avoid the development of allergies, autoimmune diseases and obesity.

Another of the properties of tomato is that it has a large number of bioactive molecules , such as antioxidant polyphenols, and it is well known for the presence of lycopene , a carotenoid that gives it its red color in addition to promoting the function of the immune system and helping to prevent cancer.

Vitamin C is better absorbed when tomatoes are eaten raw , while lycopene absorption is better when cooked : higher temperatures break down cell walls, increasing their availability. It is best to serve cooked tomato with a drizzle of raw olive oil, to keep all the properties of this fruit intact.

Tomato benefits

Powerful antioxidant

Tomatoes are an extremely rich source of lycopene. This antioxidant eliminates free radicals that cause cellular inflammation , the main cause of all diseases. Lycopene in the blood can reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases and decrease cellular inflammation.

Great contribution of vitamin C

Tomatoes are super rich in vitamin C and provide the maximum of the recommended daily allowance, ideal for fighting colds and coughs. Eating one or two fresh tomatoes a day will help you get the amount you need to get your vitamin C and also promote iron absorption .

Good for the heart

The lycopene content in tomatoes prevents oxidation and therefore reduces the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood . These two components are the main cause of inflammation that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Tomatoes, which do not contain fat or cholesterol, are an ideal option to keep your heart healthy.

el tomate en la dieta mediterránea

Low in calories

A chopped tomato provides only 31 calories because it is significantly more than 80% water, a good amount of fiber, and other beneficial nutrients that keep you satiated for a longer period of time without consuming more food. Tomatoes are almost devoid of fat and you can include them in your salads, dress them as a starter or as a condiment for toasts.

Strengthens bones

The calcium contained in tomatoes strengthens your bones . Since the human body constantly removes small amounts of calcium from our bones, the intake must be balanced by supplementing with foods rich in this nutrient.

Promotes intestinal transit

Tomatoes, which are rich in fiber, help maintain the regularity of bowel movements. Fiber adds bulk to food and encourages smooth peristaltic movement in digestive muscles . Therefore, it helps to maintain the intestinal balance in general.

Regulates blood pressure

Being low in sodium and high in potassium, tomatoes are an ideal choice for people with high blood pressure, while also balancing electrolyte levels.

Prevents urinary infections

The high water content of tomato is known to also work against urinary infections , a very common problem, especially in women during the summer months.