6 kettlebell exercises to strengthen shoulders you'll want to try

If you want to work your shoulders differently, you should try and include these 6 exercises with kettlebells to strengthen shoulders in your training routine. Kettlebells or kettlebells are a great tool to work the muscles of your entire body. Using them in your upper body workouts will help you not only improve your strength but also improve your coordination and shoulder stability .

Ejercicios con kettlebells para fortalecer hombros

6 exercises with kettlebells to strengthen shoulders


It is an exercise widely used in warming up the upper body that has become fashionable thanks to sports disciplines such as Crossfit. It consists of performing close rotations to the head or face with a kettlebell.

This exercise, although apparently simple, requires some coordination and strength in the shoulder muscles. It is recommended to use a low load until the technique is learned and performed correctly. Once you have some skill in the movement, you can add intensity by increasing the weight of the kettlebell.

  • Stand upright, holding a kettlebell or kettlebell in reverse by the handle.
  • Raise the weight to eye level.
  • Swing around and behind your head.
  • Ideally, do a few reps in one direction to complete the other half of reps in the opposite direction.

Clean and press with ktb

It is one of the most complete and complex lifts that can be performed with a kettlebell. This movement requires a good technique that allows the exercise to be carried out safely to avoid the possible risk of injury.

Performing the Clean and press , you will be working from the muscles of your legs and buttocks to the muscles of your core and arms. In the final phase of the exercise, your shoulder will mainly be in charge of performing the movement; Therefore, if you want to gain strength in them, you should include this exercise in your routines.

  • Hold a kettlebell in one hand.
  • Start with your legs bent and the weight close to the ground.
  • Extend your legs in a way that allows you to gain momentum to lift the weight above your head, keeping your arm straight.

Military press , one of the best exercises with kettlebells to strengthen shoulders

The military press is the best known and most used exercise to work the shoulders. It is an exercise that specifically isolates all the muscles of your shoulder, so we could define it as the star exercise if you want your shoulders to look big and strong.

Performing the exercise with the kettlebell will make you work on stabilizing the joint and that the internal ligaments of the structure will benefit from the exercise.

To add more work to the stabilizing muscles in the center of your body, we recommend that you try the exercise standing up.

  • Hold two kettlebells, one in each hand.
  • Bend and extend your elbows in a way that allows you to stretch your arms and raise the weights above your head.

Rowing to the neck

With the rowing at the neck, you will not only work your shoulders, but your trapeze will also receive a significant boost. It is an exercise in which high loads can be mobilized, but you must be careful when doing it since, if you exceed the weight, you can injure yourself.

To do it properly, you must keep your abdomen strong and prevent the spine from losing its natural curvature.

  • Hold a kettlebell by the handle with both hands.
  • Standing with your back neutral, try to raise your elbows by bringing the kettlebell to chin or chin level.
  • Control the downward movement and repeat the exercise.

American swing

Although a priori it may seem that the swing does not stimulate the shoulder, with this variant the work of your shoulders is guaranteed.

The American swing is a ballistic exercise that works the muscles of both the lower body in its first phase, and that of the upper body in the second phase of the movement.

You will have to pay special attention to the descent since, if you do not control the weight of the kettlebell, the ligaments of your shoulders could be affected.

  • Hold a kettlebell with both hands on the handle.
  • In an initial hip and knee flexion position, try to push with your hips to raise the weight.
  • Drive the kettlebell with a hip punch that completes the movement to raise the weight above your head. Remaining the arms fully stretched.
  • Perform the descent in a controlled manner and flexing your legs to lower your hips to the original position.

Renegade rowing, among the most effective kettlebell exercises to strengthen shoulders

This variant of the row is a very attractive and effective exercise if you want to work the back of your shoulders.

It is an exercise that requires good stabilization of your core and balance.

We advise you to start with kettlebells with a light load since, before increasing the weight, you must make sure that your technique is correct.

  • Place two kettlebells on the floor.
  • Grab them by the handles with each hand.
  • Stretch your body horizontally, resting on the balls of your feet.
  • Once in the push-up position, raise one of the kettlebells by pulling your arm up.
  • Return to the starting position and switch arms.


If you haven't used kettlebells in your workouts, we recommend that you try training with them. Include these exercises with kettlebells to strengthen shoulders if you want to show off a strong and well-defined torso.