To lose weight, is a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet better?

Once you start the weight loss process, but without advice from a dietitian-nutritionist, the doubts are immense. You hear your gym buddies advise you on what type of diet is best (based on their experiences, of course). Should you opt for a diet low in fat or carbohydrates?

To get us out of doubt, Stanford University has published a study called DIETFITS , in which they ensure that both diets work exactly the same. They found this surprise, since what they really wanted to investigate were insulin levels and the genetic factors that influenced each one.
One of the research coordinators, Richard Gardner commented: " We have all heard stories of a friend who is on a diet and it works well. Then another friend tries it and it does not work at all. This is because each of us is different and we are starting now To understand that diversity. Perhaps we should not ask the question of "What diet is better?", but rather " What diet is better … for whom? "

perder peso con dieta

Diets based on our genotype

For a few years, researchers have been investigating how to carry out a personalized diet to lose weight, by analyzing insulin resistance and our genotype. The point is that after this study carried out by Stanford University, it is clear that there is still much to know.

In this study, DIETFITS, 609 overweight people , aged between 18 and 50 years, men and women, volunteered and were divided into two groups: those who had a healthy diet with a low carbohydrate intake (20 gr / day for the first eight weeks, which would be the same as a slice and a half of wholemeal bread) and those who underwent a healthy diet low in fat (20 g which would be equivalent to a handful of nuts).

First of all, the researchers carried out an analysis to find out their genomes and detect the genetic predisposition they would have to fats and carbohydrates. Likewise, their insulin resistance was also noted, making them drink concentrated glucose on an empty stomach.

During this study , the volunteers were not intended to go hungry , as they would end up leaving the project. Once the fat and carbohydrate grams were restricted, they were gradually reintroduced to achieve balance.
One year later, the maintenance diet established a daily intake of a maximum of 57 grams of fat and 132 grams of carbohydrates, depending on the diet.

The study concluded that both diets are equally effective and that our genetics do not predispose us to lose weight with one diet or another.