Do you already know what autumnal asthenia is?

Don't you know what autumnal asthenia is ? It is a disorder that, in most cases, is not serious and its duration is short. Generally, people with autumnal asthenia heal within a few days or weeks. This disorder is produced by a poor adaptation of the body to seasonal changes. Specifically, it occurs during the transition between summer and fall, which gives the origin to its name .

It should be taken into account that summer is a season in which temperatures are high, while in autumn the rain is frequent and the temperatures are also usually lower. Also, changes in the schedule can negatively influence people because they are capable of representing a sudden change in their daily routines, which could increase stress levels , an aspect that also influences the development of autumnal asthenia.

hombre con astenia

What is autumnal asthenia?

In addition to the aforementioned, it should be known that autumnal asthenia is composed of several disorders, which manifest themselves psychically and physically. The people who most often suffer from this disorder are between the ages of 20 and 50.


What is autumnal asthenia has already been explained, but what is it that causes it? In this regard, it must be said that the reduction of the hours of sunlight causes an imbalance in the body . This imbalance manifests itself in lower levels of sleep, energy, and temperature . Furthermore, the regulation of hunger is disturbed.

This has a hormonal origin, which is in an increase in the production of a hormone called melatonin , which is released by the body during the night, making people feel drowsy.

When the production of melatonin is increased, the production of serotonin, known as the " happiness hormone", is reduced, and people tend to feel sad.


The symptoms of autumnal asthenia are as follows:

  • Lack of appetite.
  • Drowsiness.
  • General fatigue and weakness.
  • Decreased mood.
  • Decrease in the body's defenses.
  • Reduced libido.
Melancolía de otoño

How is autumnal asthenia treated?

Far from what it usually seems, autumnal asthenia is not considered a disease. This is because this disorder disappears the moment the body manages to adapt to seasonal changes.

In fact, the recommendations for treating autumnal asthenia also apply as measures to prevent the development of the disorder . In most cases, having healthy lifestyle habits and a balanced diet is enough to prevent the body from having problems adapting to seasonal changes.

However, to minimize the chances of developing this disorder, it is essential to follow other extra tips .

Follow proper sleep schedules

During the arrival of fall, it is important to make an effort to prevent sleep schedules from being disturbed. If you set a fixed bedtime from the beginning, the chance of developing fall asthenia will be reduced. It is also important that your schedules allow you to sleep eight hours a day.

Get physical activity

Physical activity is loaded with a wide variety of benefits for the body, among which is the fact that it can help prevent or treat autumn asthenia, especially if done during the daytime .

You don't need to be overly active. It may be enough to walk for about an hour a day. Additionally, this will also help improve sleep reconciliation , making it easier to adhere to the advice above.

Expose yourself to the sun

Moderate sun exposure will help reduce melatonin levels, while also helping to increase serotonin levels . Therefore, it is an excellent way to combat the aforementioned disorder.

Do stimulating mental activities

Doing activities that stimulate the brain can help ward off the negative emotions that often cause fall asthenia. The practice of a hobby or even something as simple as practicing the habit of reading are good options.

Adequate food

As mentioned above, an adequate diet may be enough to keep this disorder at bay. . A correct diet does not have to be limited to a balanced diet, but you can also have vitamin supplements to complement it .

On the other hand, special importance should be given to foods that are rich in tryptophan , since this component will contribute positively to the production of serotonin, a hormone that plays an important role in good mood .

Among the foods that contain the most this amino acid are milk , fish , tofu, eggs, chicken or turkey meat, pumpkin seeds and nuts.


  • Alphega Pharmacy. (sf). Autumnal asthenia . Retrieved December 21, 2020, from
  • Manises, S. (2020, November 19). Autumnal Asthenia – What is it and what are its symptoms? Manises Hospital.