The most common mistakes that prevent your weight loss

Sometimes you don’t understand why you are not getting significant weight loss. You may spend most of your time doing workouts at the gym, but you still don’t make any progress . The reason is that your weight does not only depend on exercise, there are many factors that can greatly alter it. Therefore, all the actions you take on the body will affect your weight reduction or gain in parallel. It is a common mistake to think that the gym is the only weapon to lose weight effectively.

Many people, when assuming this option as the only one they can continue, find themselves stuck and decide to abandon the training. So that this does not happen to you, you should know that there are a series of errors that you have to avoid. If you are looking to lose weight and hope this is the real thing for you, then it is important to understand all the factors. In addition to the exercises, it is about making a change in your habits. Above all, in your daily diet. There are mistakes you may be making. Which prevent you from losing weight effectively. Next, we will talk a little about them …

You may not check the labels of the products you buy

Maybe you are getting carried away by what the packaging of the products you eat says. That is, you are not reviewing its nutritional content. Many times, the foods you buy in the supermarket tend to say that they are low in fat or that they are light. However, this is generally not the case, as products that claim to be 0% fat contain high amounts of processed sugars. Just because a product says it is fitness doesn’t mean that it will actually help you with the weight loss you want. For that reason, you must learn to read all the described content that the food has on its labeling.

The ideal thing to avoid having to deal with these advertising hoaxes is that you learn to discern above all the nutritional content that the product reflects. In this way, you will be sure of what you are eating and you will be able to better establish your calorie consumption per day. Similarly, canning and packaging are not the best option to accelerate weight loss. Try to eat food free of packaging such as fruits or fresh meats. These give you nutrients naturally. In this way, you will rid your body of any saturated content that usually comes in packaged foods.

Are you eating in a rush and with an unbalanced diet?

You must learn to eat at a normal rate so that all the nutrients do their function in the body. Above all, so that your brain receives the signals of the satiety hormones from your stomach in time. If you eat slowly, as your brain is slow to receive the information, you will feel fuller than it should. Chewing slowly will make you feel more satiated, therefore, you will eat less and weight loss can occur faster. Enjoy your meals calmly. That is, you shouldn’t be in a rush if you want to eat properly.

Make sure each bite of food has been well chewed and is in for a new one. Try to feed yourself with little liquid things to have to perform the action of chewing and you can feel full more quickly. To do this, add fruits and vegetables, in order to reduce the number of calories you consume. Weight loss is completely tied to the way you eat it. To do it correctly, you must eat vegetables. Your daily diet should be made up of foods that have great nutritional power, for the benefit of your body.

The nutrients in fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet to help you lose weight. It is important that you include these foods in all meals of the day to improve your performance when training. These foods should correspond to at least half of what you consume during the day. The way in which you include certain foods in your diet should be varied. In this way, you can obtain the different nutrients they provide. There are many recipes that you can learn, but you must remember to always eat slowly each dish that you serve yourself.

“Just this time” and “once in a while” are one of the worst mistakes you can make.

There are no more deadly phrases to achieve weight loss than these two harmless, but misleading words! You may think that you are not committing some sins like going “just this time to eat pizza”. But if you add to that “a chocolate cake from time to time doesn’t hurt” everything gets complicated. You should know that if you do not control the number of times you go off your diet you can lose your progress. You may not realize it, but it becomes very recurrent that you start saying these phrases. The downside is that you don’t quickly notice how often you do it.

What you can do to avoid hindering your weight loss with those “once in a while” sins. It is to start keeping track of everything you consume. Especially when it comes to saturated sugars. This exercise will make you more aware of what you eat and you can be more rigorous with your diet. If you are focused on losing weight, you must reduce and make real the “just this time” that come out of your mouth. In this way, you will be able to see results more effectively, since you will progressively eliminate excess sugar from your body.

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Nothing like getting out of control on weekends to prevent your weight loss …

You may follow your exercise routine and a good diet to the letter throughout the week. However, if the weekend comes around and you forget about all that, weight loss is a long way from happening. If you take weekends to consume alcohol and fat, the entire diet for the week will be lost. Which, causes your progress to stop. Therefore, you must control what you do, so that your week is worth it in terms of your physical progress. You must take the measurements that you have established for the 7 days of the week equally. Since, during the weekend your body continues to function in response to your actions.

Your healthy diet should be extended over the weekend so that weight loss is something tangible

To achieve this you have to make your meals attractive and healthy. The latter does not have to mean boring, quite the opposite. You can practice slow food, with delicious and nutritious dishes for the body. Alcoholic beverages should also be reduced in large quantities during the weekend if you want to improve physically. The reason is that these types of drinks add extra calories that do not provide any nutrients for your body.

If you are really looking to lose weight, this combination will not help you at all. Therefore, alcohol must be reduced and your fatty meals must also be modified and replaced by healthy dishes that provide nutrients. A very useful suggestion is to substitute drinks such as beer for wine in small quantities. Ideally, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages altogether, but if you don’t think you can, at least keep a record. In this way, you will know how much alcohol and fat you consume during the weekend. It is up to you to reduce your caloric intake in the last days of the week.