The importance of protein in recovery from training

We know how important a good diet is in the life of any person. Now, if you are one of those who exercise constantly, it is essential to include substances in our diet that help us feel strong and energetic. In order that you can improve yourself in each workout, in this article we will talk about the importance of proteins in recovery after each physical activity.

What are proteins?

Proteins are molecules made up of amino acids. Apart from water, they make up the largest portion of substance in muscles and organs. They are also nitrogenous substances that play a key role in both growth and repair of body tissues . For this reason, they are essential for food and in the sports world.

Why are proteins so important?

The main source of energy for the body are carbohydrates and fats. While protein can also be used as fuel in extreme cases where carbohydrates and fat in the diet are not enough.

For this reason, it is very important for you to eat a varied diet that guarantees you the contribution of all the macronutrients you need. The daily caloric intake in our diet should come from 55% of carbohydrates and 10-15% of proteins. The rest will come in the form of fats.

Proteins and sport

Proteins are essential to repair the small fibrillar tears of the muscle that occur during sports. These provide the substrate for good performance in exercise and for adaptation to it.

The body uses 20 amino acids to produce proteins, seven of which are essential and require your daily intake to meet your constant needs.

How much protein should I consume daily?

importancia de las proteínas en la recuperación

If you practice high-performance sports, you should know what your total energy expenditure is and adapt your diet to it. Otherwise, you expose yourself to your performance being diminished and to gain or lose weight when it is not what you want. Plus, they increase your chances of injury.

According to the daily reference intakes, the average sedentary person needs at least 0.8 grams / kilogram of weight per day of protein as a minimum . Now an active person will obviously have increased protein needs. Thus, if you exercise four or more times a week, your needs can range from 1.2 to 2.0 g / kg of body weight per day.

Where to get the necessary proteins?

Currently, the intensive way of raising animals subjects them to great exposure to hormones and antibiotics, in addition to a diet almost entirely based on foods of transgenic origin. This fact offers us products of animal origin that might not be of the best quality . Therefore, it would be a very good idea not to base our protein sources only on them.

Similarly, plant-based protein sources are often incomplete. This means that they lack important essential amino acids.

What then would be the solution?

Taking into account all the above, in the whey protein store they offer us protein supplements that will help us feel healthier, stronger and with the necessary energy to practice our favorite sport. Also, these products will help us recover after each workout .


Thus, on the web we can find Whey Gold Optimum . It is a muscle building supplement that enhances recovery and enhances the development of quality muscle mass.

We also have the opportunity to purchase Whey Protein from Scitec Nutrition . It is made with the best combination of essential amino acids to aid in the growth of your muscle tissue. In addition, it offers you the necessary proteins to achieve that summer body for which you work so hard every day in your workouts.