Benefits of nougat: nougat can also be healthy

With the Christmas holidays come many sweets, but the nougat is, without a doubt, the most important. According to data from the Spanish Association of Nougats and Marzipans, nougats account for 74% of the consumption of sweets at Christmas. It has even become the most international Spanish sweet that exists. Despite these figures, very few people know the benefits of nougat and its properties.

Benefits of nougat

Nougat is a rich source of protein because it contains eggs and almonds, seven of the nine essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates and vitamins A, E, B1 and B2. In addition, almonds have a high energy value and provide minerals to the body, such as magnesium, iron and potassium.

A study concluded that the consumption of almond nougat can help reduce LDL cholesterol , popularly known as bad cholesterol, and increase antioxidant levels . There are also those that contain other nutrient-rich nuts, such as hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts, which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

turrón de almendras o almendrado

And not only the nougat that contains nuts is good. It has also been found that others, such as chocolate , can be very beneficial for the body thanks to its high content of antioxidant polyphenols . In fact, its benefit is very similar to that of nuts because it helps reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and, therefore, reduces the risk of suffering from arteriosclerosis and prevents the onset of cardiovascular diseases.

How to choose a good nougat

Obviously not all nougats are the same. To benefit from all its properties, you should always choose healthy artisan nougat. Because in this case, whether it is soft or hard, it will contain natural ingredients. Normally the best ones are protected by a designation of origin , where the quality of the raw material is extremely important and, in some cases, it is certified as organic. That is, no pesticides or chemicals have been used in its process or collection. And consuming nougats that use these types of ingredients is a way to protect the environment.

turrón de almendras de alicante

The ideal is to choose nougat that follow a traditional recipe, which uses honey, sugar, almonds and eggs. These four ingredients are all natural and make for a totally nutritious dessert despite what many people believe otherwise. In addition, if the recipe is handmade and the preparation is almost entirely manual, a delicious and healthy product is achieved because it preserves all its properties without added industrial substances.

In some cases, and thinking of people who do not want to consume large amounts of sugar, rice or agave syrup is used. An option that, in addition to being healthy, is very ecological.


When choosing a nougat, make sure that it contains between 60 and 70% almond . This is the amount that a good nougat should have and it is the one presented by denominations of origin such as Jijona. You also have to make sure that it really is almond what it contains and not mix .

Nougat that contain a large amount of simple sugars should be avoided. And those without sugar contain a wide variety of artificial sweeteners that are not healthy at all , so they are not highly recommended either. You should also avoid those that contain sunflower or refined oil instead of olive oil.

With all this we mean that the benefits of nougat are many, but you have to choose one that has been made following the traditional recipe and in an artisan and ecological way. And, obviously, you always have to eat it in moderation.