The healthiest bread there is

It is not news that wheat contains detrimental health effects. Although its moderate consumption can bring certain benefits (such as regulating appetite and digestion), a daily intake can also bring us side effects such as progressive weight gain or raising our sugar levels. But are there healthier options so as not to give up accompanying our meals with a little bread?

Fortunately, not all breads are required to have high levels of processed wheat and sugar. One of them is Ezekiel’s bread , possibly the healthiest bread we can have access to.

Many people think that this is a myth, and they do not stop wondering about the differences and real benefits that exist between consuming traditional white bread or a “whole grain” one like Ezekiel’s bread.

Discover all the information you need to incorporate this bread into your diet so that you can conclude yourself if you are interested in incorporating it into your diet.

Qué es el pan de Ezequiel

What is Ezekiel bread?

Ezequiel’s bread is a healthy bread made from a mixture of wheat with different grains and legumes. That is why it is known as a type of “whole wheat bread.” It differs from other breads for different reasons.

1. Lower sugar levels

The most important reason we can mention to you is your sugar levels. Did you know that all the breads that are consumed in the market tend to have at least one type of processed sugar? Ezekiel’s bread, on the other hand, does not have any type of sugar.

The levels of glucose and sodium that can be found in Ezequiel bread come directly from the types of grains and legumes with which it is manufactured, but not from additives or processed.

2. Wide variety of added nutrients

Another reason why this bread is the healthiest is precisely because of the variety of grains and legumes that are involved in its manufacturing process:

  • 4 types of cereal grains : Wheat, millet, barley and spelled.
  • 2 types of legumes : Soybeans and lentils.

The higher concentration of diverse grains in a single type of bread allows you to balance your overall wheat levels, making Ezekiel’s bread a healthier and more balanced alternative. In addition, all these grains are in the process of germination until shortly before being baked for consumption with bread.

On the other hand, it must be clarified that both wheat, barley and spelled contain gluten , which makes Ezequiel’s bread completely out of reach for people with celiac disease, or for those sensitive in any way to gluten.

Germinación de granos en el pan de Ezequiel

What benefits does the germination of Ezekiel’s bread bring?

Although it may seem that grains and seeds are simple elements of nature, inside they undergo peculiar transformations and obey complex molecular processes.

A seed that has been allowed to start the germination process is usually covered with antinutrients to ward off other beings who want to consume it. In this regard, the legumes and grains of Ezekiel’s bread are no exception to this process. However, sprouted seeds also have some benefits for human health when consumed. Two of them are:

  • Increase in our healthy nutrients.
  • Reduction in the amount of external antinutrients.

Thus, germination acts positively in the process of making this bread.

Another positive effect of germination in Ezequiel breads is its effect on the balance of amino acids . Lysine, for example, is a type of amino acid present in sprouted grains that provides us with benefits in terms of protein creation and calcium absorption.

Mucho trigo en el pan es poco saludable

Why should we consume Ezekiel bread?

As we have already said, the mixture of grains in Ezequiel’s bread is the healthiest option, since these cereals increase the protein levels of the bread and provide a diversity of vitamins and carotenes. In addition, mixing grains in bread provides another healthy benefit, such as keeping wheat levels low , which is important since it has already been identified as the main factor in health problems caused by eating traditional bread. Among the negative aspects of excess wheat, we can mention:

  • Higher gluten content , to which many people are particularly sensitive.
  • Relationship with mental illness: some control studies have raised the possibility that excess wheat is related to schizophrenia, autism or brain ataxia
  • Increases cholesterol : Control studies have shown that excess wheat can increase bad cholesterol and affect the heart.


Ezequiel’s bread is not only the healthiest bread, but also a balanced product that you can combine in different ways with other products, and that has especially low wheat levels, so it is especially recommended for people intolerant to gluten.


  • Gunnars, Kris. Why Ezekiel Bread is The Healthiest Bread You Can Eat. For Authority Nutrition [Revised April 2016]