The flavor that can make you lose weight

Since we were little we have been taught that there are 4 flavors and that they have the potential to activate the taste buds and make the body react appropriately to them. However, the existence of a fifth flavor is little known, which is capable of enhancing the original flavor of food.

That fifth flavor is known as umami , and it appears to have certain beneficial health properties, including weight loss. Find out what this flavor is, what properties it has and where we can find it.

In which parts of the tongue are the flavors felt?

The four basic flavors are distributed as follows:

  • The salty is felt on the tip of the tongue.
  • The sweet on the sides of the tip.
  • Acid on both sides of the tongue.
  • The bitter at the end of it.

The other flavors are known as the combination of two or more flavors. However, research has determined that umami is detected right in the center of the tongue, which is why it was recently officially recognized as a fifth flavor .

Umami para adelgazar

What are the components of Umami?

Umami is a very subtle and tasty flavor, composed mainly of glutamic acid , an amino acid that is part of proteins and that is generated when living beings decompose through processes of boiling, fermentation or cooking.

Subsequently, other studies were confirming the presence of umami in foods that did not contain glutamate, so it was understood that the chemical compounds that stimulated said flavor were more than one.

Umami particularly relies on salt combined with ingredients that work very well together, such as meat, tomatoes, garlic, mushrooms and cheese, all of which give it that explosive and delicious flavor of foods like pizza and hamburgers.

hamburguesas con umami

Can Umami make you lose weight?

In addition to being a very palatable flavor for many people, research shows that including foods rich in umami in your diet can help you lose weight, and there is much scientific research that confirms that theory:

  1. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , showed that the inclusion of monosodium glutamate in soup has stimulated appetite during meal in normal-weight adults, but also increased feelings of fullness after eating, resulting in because those people ate less during the day.
  2. Furthermore, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition recruited overweight or obese women with no history of eating disorders and found that the addition of MSG in vegetable soup not only resulted in eating less during the meal. day, but also to a reduction in the intake of high-fat foods.

As you will see, eating foods rich in umami allows people of all sizes to eat less because they feel more satisfied, although it is important to emphasize that the opposite has been observed in people who do not find satisfaction in the taste in food , which are more likely to overeat.

With the above, it can be deduced that the best option to lose weight by ingesting fewer calories and obtaining a higher degree of satisfaction in food , is to include combinations of healthy foods rich in umami in your meals.

Umami: el sabor que puede hacerte adelgazar

What are the foods rich in Umami?

Now that you know what the fifth flavor is and how it can alter your appetite, it is time to know what foods rich in umami are so that you can start losing weight now.

To do this, the first thing you should know is that it is extremely important to incorporate the right amount of umami in everyday dishes. Fortunately, many foods that are commonly found on the market contain high levels of glutamate, among them we can highlight the following:

1. Tomato paste

Include large amounts of ripe tomatoes or tomato paste in your daily diet, as it contains glutamic acid. For best results you can combine them with onions and prepare them in the form of soup in the morning, thus reducing the anxiety to eat during the day.

Umami en el tomate

2. Miso paste

It is a flavored and fermented pasta, made with soybeans and / or cereals and sea salt. To reinforce the flavor of this pasta you can combine it with mirin and brown sugar.

3. Green tea

Using unsweetened green tea you can prepare a rich sauce to accompany chicken salads.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms have a high level of glutamate , especially when dehydrated, so you can add them to your daily meals (poultry, fish or meat) to obtain that peculiar flavor and feel more satisfied quickly.

Alimentos con umami

5. Seaweed

Seaweed is a healthy and very complete food that has the ability to revitalize and rejuvenate those who consume it. In addition, seaweed is a good complement to your diet, since it helps to achieve satiety earlier and is low in carbohydrates.

6. Soy sauce made with 100% natural beer

It is essential that all of us have a jar of soy sauce in the house. It works as a seasoning and, using the right amount, can enhance the flavor of foods , such as vegetable stews and sauces.

7. The yolk of the egg

Egg yolk can be combined with lean ground turkey or chicken breast to create a rich burger-like flavor.

La yema de huevo contiene Umami 8. Fish sauce

This seasoning derived from fermented fish is, without a doubt, one of the most used products in Vietnamese cuisine. You can add it to green vegetables to speed up the weight loss process.

9. Anchovy paste

The ideal is to mix this pasta with seafood sauce and a little olive oil. You can also add it to pasta or pizzas to enhance its flavor.

Salsa de anchoas

10. Aged Parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese is the one that contains the most amount of glutamate, making it ideal for feeling full after your meal. This cheese can be added to soups, pasta, pizzas or salads to improve its flavor.

El quinto sabor


  • Patricia Bannan. How the 5th Flavor Can Help You Lose Weight. For livestrong. [Revised June 2016]