The best diets to gain muscle mass

You may have already tried everything and still look thin, and with less width than you would like. You do the exercises that have been recommended and you work hard in the gym but your muscles do not quite take off. A perfect complement to physical exercise is what you eat. The food may be the key to get the boost you need . We are going to recommend the best diets to gain muscle mass, which can give an additional plus to the development of your muscles.

Diet, the foods you eat and the way you eat them are essential keys for you to increase your muscles . If so far you have done the exercise you should have, but you still see how your muscles have not developed, it is probably because you are not following the proper diet. It is normal that what you want is to increase your weight in muscles, since you are also striving for it. Our advice is that you do not get discouraged and take notes on how you should eat.

Diets to gain muscle mass

Eating well is one of the main factors, along with rest and training, which are closely related to increasing muscle mass. It is necessary that you provide your body with a sufficient amount of protein and energy to be able to repair the muscle. A specific healthy diet to gain muscle mass must be clean, without any supplements involved. And it shouldn’t make you a lot of body fat. A healthy diet will make you gain weight slowly but steadily . You will have no choice but to be patient.

The foods that we are going to advise you in these diets are distributed in 5 daily intakes. They are mostly made up of a large amount of protein and carbohydrates. In addition to being foods with a high nutritional value.

Diet 1

Breakfast : rye bread, banana, two whole eggs, serrano ham and coconut oil.

Mid-morning: oat flakes, almond milk and orange.

Lunch: chicken breast, grilled vegetables and egg pasta.

Snack: 0% fat fresh cheese, sweet potato and chicken drumsticks.

Dinner: tomato and avocado salad, extra virgin olive oil and grilled cuttlefish.

Diet 2

Breakfast : cereal bread, soy milk, kiwi, olive oil, ham.

Mid-morning: chicken breast, quinoa and apple.

Lunch: chickpeas, grilled vegetables and pork.

Snack: walnuts, rolled oats, 0% fat whipped cheese.

Dinner: cooked potato and grilled salmon.

Tips on what to incorporate into diets to gain muscle mass

With the intention that you can make your own diet yourself, we are going to give you some tips that you should follow, so that you choose the most appropriate foods for your goals.

Dieta para ganar masa muscular

You should know that in diets to gain muscle mass you must make between 5 and 6 meals. It is also important that after each workout you eat a banana or some food with creatine.

Breakfast should contain a high amount of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Some foods that it is recommended that you incorporate into your diet are the following:


Foods with a high protein content: egg whites, nuts, legumes, fish and meat.
Proteins must have a great role in this type of diet, since they are responsible for the repair of damaged tissues and the increase of muscles .

Healthy fats

Foods high in healthy fats: avocado, olive oil (better if it is extra virgin), nuts, tuna and salmon.
Healthy fats also play a fundamental role, since they are responsible for regulating your body , thus facilitating the assimilation and absorption of macronutrients. They also facilitate the production of hormones like testosterone, which helps build muscle.

Carbohydrates or carbohydrates

Foods with a high content of carbohydrates or carbohydrates: cereals, pasta, root vegetables or fruits.
Thanks to them you will be able to train with greater intensity, because they represent the fuel for your body . To give you an idea of the importance they have, these foods should constitute up to 60% of the food you consume in your day to day, increasing or reducing them depending on the tendency you have to gain weight or lose weight.

As you have seen, each of these diets and meals contains the main macronutrients, which the body needs to perform its daily functions normally; such as proteins, fats and hydrates. Depending on your metabolism and physical condition, the amounts in each meal will vary. For this reason, it is important that you know what your caloric expenditure is , so that you can follow exactly a diet that suits your needs.