7 exercises to do in a chair if you spend a lot of time sitting

Occupational bodily injury is not just limited to the scope of work in factories or and work environments, including the office. The habits that we develop at our desk -especially when we are sitting-, mechanical movements, poor posture and staying in the same position for many hours can cause bodily injuries such as back pain, neck and shoulders, lumbago, contractures or carpal tunnel syndrome . To avoid them, in this article we tell you 7 exercises to do in a chair and stretch during work hours.

Why is it important to stretch if you have a sedentary job?

According to a report published in Medical News Today , inactivity or being sedentary increases the pressure on the spinal discs by 40 percent more than when we are standing. As a result, the pelvic muscles become excessively tense, and when we stand up after sitting for long periods of time, the body shifts forward and loses balance, causing tension in the bones and muscles. If this occurs in people who are overweight or obese, the spine becomes misaligned and loses its neutral position, exaggerating the natural curves of the back and causing tension in the lower back when those muscles try to correct the imbalance, leading to the appearance of unpleasant lumbago. In addition, spending more than 8 hours a day sitting in front of a computer can also affect eyesight, circulation and the cardiovascular system.

The good news is that these ill effects are easily avoidable, as moving around and stretching at work can easily become a healthy daily habit with a little discipline and a few simple exercises to do in a chair. To start this healthy habit, set an alarm to remind you to get up and walk or stretch quickly. If you don’t have a minute to waste and can’t get up every hour, there are plenty of stretches you can do at your desk, like the ones we present below. Remember to breathe normally while doing the stretches, and don’t hold your breath. With each stretch you will feel more flexible and clear.

Exercises to do in a chair and stretch the neck and shoulders

1. Neck stretch

Estiramiento de cuello para hacer en una silla
  • Place your right hand on your left temple
  • Gently pull your head toward your right shoulder until you feel a slight stretch.
  • Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat again on the opposite side

2. Shoulder stretch

Ejercicios de hombros para hacer en una silla
  • Place your arms on both sides of your body
  • Raise both shoulders towards the ears.
  • Lower them to the starting position by making circular movements backwards.
  • Repeat 10 times
  • Do the same doing the circular movements forwards another 10 times.

Exercises to stretch the back and torso in a chair

3. Torso opening

Estiramiento de pecho para hacer en una silla
  • Bring your hands behind your back and hold them on the saddle or legs (depending on the model).
  • Push your chest out and lift your chin.
  • Hold the pose for 10 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat 3 times

4. Torso rotations

Rotación de torso para estirar
  • Keep your feet firmly on the ground pointing forward.
  • Rotate your upper body in the direction of the arm resting on the back of the chair.
  • Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • Exhale as you lean into the stretch for a greater range of motion.
  • Repeat 3 times on each side

Exercises to stretch the arms in the chair

5. Triceps stretch

Estiramientos de tríceps para hacer en una silla
  • Raise your left arm and bend it so that your hand reaches the right side of your back as you drop it.
  • Use the other hand to pull the elbow towards your head, until you feel a slight tug on the muscle
  • Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat with the other arm.

6. Arms stretch

Ejercicios de brazos para hacer en una silla
  • Clasp your hands over your head with your palms facing out.
  • Push your arms up, reaching as far as you can towards the ceiling but without taking your feet off the ground.
  • Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Exercise to do in a chair and stretch the legs and lower back

7. Hamstring stretch

Ejercicios de isquiotibiales y espalda para hacer en una silla
  • Remaining seated, extend one leg forward with the toe raised.
  • Bend over by bending down at the waist until you reach your toes.
  • Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.
  • Do it again with the other leg.
  • Do not do it with both legs at the same time, as doing this exercise with both legs in this position can cause back problems.