The 6 best teas to help you get to the toilet

If you have trouble pooping when you go to the bathroom, try any type of home remedy. Tea has long been used to alleviate constipation problems, so today we bring you six types in particular that can help you defecate more easily.

Constipation is defined as having three or fewer bowel movements in a week , and stools can be hard, dry, and sometimes painful to pass. Almost everyone suffers from constipation at times, and it usually does not last long and is not serious.

Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, all high in fiber, is another way to help alleviate this intestinal problem. You should also try to get enough exercise and take the time to have a bowel movement when you need to.

Talk to your doctor if bowel habits change – you should only use laxatives if a doctor says you should, and they can also tell you if any of the current medications may be causing this problem with bowel movements.

The best teas to relieve constipation

Rhubarb tea

It may be unexpected, but your grandmother’s rhubarb tea can help ease constipation. During the summer, if you have constipation, it is advisable to take fresh rhubarb for its laxative properties. You can make your own rhubarb tea at home or find it in packaged tea bags. It is also an ingredient in Essiac tea.

Although clinical evidence in humans is limited, rhubarb is considered a stimulant laxative and may also alleviate gastrointestinal dysfunction in people with illnesses.

Aloe vera tea

Some people find that aloe vera juice can be helpful in relieving constipation. These benefits can be applied to tea: The aloe in many teas appears to also have stimulating laxative properties.

One benefit tea can have over juice is that it is warm – starting your day with a warm drink can help move your stool. And in general, drinking plenty of fluids helps keep your stool soft, making it easier to pass.

taza de té para el estreñimiento

Senna Tea

Senna is a popular herbal laxative and is generally safe and well-tolerated. It belongs to a large genus of tropical flowering plants, and its flowers and fruits have been used for centuries in folk medicine to relieve constipation.

It is widely available in teas, especially those that are marketed to help relieve constipation. Senna appears to have effects on the colon muscle to stimulate contractions that can be beneficial in relieving constipation.

When your colon muscle is relaxed, it can lead to constipation. But when stimulated, that can help move materials out of your digestive system. It usually causes a bowel movement within 6 to 12 hours, so you can take it in the evening to stimulate a bowel movement the next morning.

However, do not take senna for more than a week without first consulting a doctor. Taking excessive doses can cause mild to moderate liver injury, but liver injury from long-term use is rare and most cases quickly reverse when use is discontinued.

Cascara Tea

The husk is typically extracted from the aged dried bark of Rhamnus purshiana , a type of sea buckthorn tree or shrub native to North America, and is a common therapy for constipation.

Like senna, it can cause liver damage when taken in excess and should be used for less than a week. Side effects can include abdominal cramps and electrolyte imbalance.

Along with senna, rhubarb, and aloe, the peel helps the colon move material through your digestive system. These four teas stimulate the colon muscle to contract more regularly and vigorously, but the precise mechanism by which they do this is probably different and is not well defined.

Black tea or green tea

Caffeinated tea can also help you get to the toilet, similar to how your morning coffee does.

Brewed black tea tends to be the highest caffeine tea, with 47 milligrams of caffeine in one cup. By comparison, brewed coffee has 96 milligrams of caffeine in one cup. Green tea also has caffeine, but slightly less, at 28 milligrams per cup.

Caffeine serves as a stimulant for contractions or intestinal motility. This is why many people say they defecate after having their morning cup of coffee or tea. As black tea has caffeine, you should control your consumption. However, you will also benefit from your flavonoids that fight inflammation and support healthy immune function.

Black tea and green tea come from Camellia sinensis. For black tea, the leaves are dried and fermented, which gives it a richer flavor and a darker color.

Fruit teas

Certain fruity teas may also help relieve constipation, although more research is needed.

Stone fruits like peaches, cherries, plums, and prunes contain a sugar called sorbitol, which is poorly absorbed and can actually trigger fluid secretion from the intestine. That can have a laxative effect.

It is not yet clear how this effect can be applied to teas, but that several teas are flavored with these types of fruits. It might not hurt to try them if you love the taste and are dealing with constipation, especially since the warm liquid can help itself.