The 2 oils you should never use in the kitchen

If you've ever shopped for cooking oils, you know there is no shortage of options. Avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, cold pressed flaxseed, etc.

When deciding which type of oil is best, there are a few factors worth keeping in mind:

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  • It is important to consider how the oil withstands heat or its smoke point, which is the temperature at which the oil begins to smoke and break down.
  • You should consider whether or not you want the oil to add flavor to your food. Some will shine through a plate, while others are more neutral in flavor.
  • You will also want to consider the nutritional profile of the oil. Some contain antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

The 7 healthiest cooking oils

Extra virgin olive oil

A mainstay in the Mediterranean diet (one of the healthiest eating plans out there), the consensus is clear that EVOO does the body good. The oil contains high levels of monounsaturated fats and phenolic compounds , according to a January 2018 review in Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders.

The article found that extra virgin olive oil increases HDL cholesterol levels (the good kind) while reducing total and LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). It can also help lower blood pressure, lower inflammation markers, and improve blood glucose control.

Although extra virgin olive oil is believed to have a low smoke point, which makes it better for dressings and sauces, this is not true. EVOO has a medium-high smoke point (175 to 210 degrees Celsius), which is considered excellent for most types of cooking. And since they are more refined, regular olive oil and extra-light olive oil have an even higher smoke point of 198 to 240 degrees.

Avocado oil

Extracted from the creamy pulp of avocados, this oil has a mild flavor. It also has one of the highest smoke points of all cooking oils: 260ºC for pure and 190ºC for extra virgin.

The fat profile of avocado oil is almost identical to that of olive oil: 74% monounsaturated fat (MUFA), 9% polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), and 14% saturated fat. This composition ensures avocado oil a place on the list of heart healthy foods.

Avocado oil can have other health benefits. A small study found that replacing avocado oil with butter over the course of just six days allowed for an improvement in insulin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels , according to a June 2019 review in Molecules. A reduction in C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 , two markers of inflammation, was also observed.

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Linseed oil

Many of the health benefits of flaxseed, such as plant-based Omega-3s and monounsaturated fats, are also present in the oil. In fact, flaxseed has the highest levels of O mega-3 of all other cooking oils – one tablespoon is over 7 grams. For reference, an 85 gram serving of cooked salmon is approximately 2 grams.

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the type of Omega-3 found in flaxseed oil, needs to be converted to EPA and then DHA to be beneficial to the body. Its conversion is limited: only about 10 to 15 percent end up having Omega-3 benefits. Still, that's around 700 milligrams, which is a solid amount, especially if you consider it's an option for vegans and there's no concern about mercury levels like fish.

This type should not be heated , so it is best enjoyed as a topping or for dipping. In fact, you want to keep the oil in the fridge to prevent it from going rancid.

Walnut oil

Like the walnut, the oil has also been linked to lower risks of heart disease.

In a small clinical trial published in June 2013 in Nutrition, researchers found that these helped improve even better than whole nuts endothelial function. Endothelial function is related to the development of plaque build-up on the walls of our arteries.

This one has the rich, nutty flavor that you would expect from cold-pressed pecans. However, when cooked, the taste can turn bitter . Instead, use this oil for salad dressing and cold preparation. Walnut oil should be stored in the refrigerator.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil has a rich, nutty flavor that complements the tofu, rice, and vegetables used in stir-fries.

It is normally found in two varieties: roasted and regular. Roasting is best for finishing dishes due to its lower smoke point and rich flavor. Regular oil has a medium to high smoke point; opt for this variety when cooking.

When it comes to nutritional properties and health benefits, sesame seeds are often overshadowed by chia and flax seeds. Turns out, they're pretty healthy too, which also translates into their oil form. Sesame oil is rich in lignans , which act as antioxidants, according to a December 2014 article in Food Science and Agriculture.

Canola oil

Canola oil comes from the canola plant, a crop with yellow flowers. The plant contains pods, from which the seeds are harvested and then crushed to create the oil.

Canola is considered a healthy oil because of its high ratio of monounsaturated to saturated fats (it is about nine times the above) and about 10 percent of the fat in the oil comes from heart-healthy Omega-3s.

Most of this oil, however, is refined, so it loses its antioxidant properties when heated during processing. And due to the high amounts of ALA, it is considered more fragile. So even though it has a high smoke point (242 degrees Celsius), there is concern that potentially toxic compounds will form when heated to around 176 degrees.

Other vegetable oils

Sunflower, safflower, corn, and soybean oils are quite similar in their fatty acid breakdown: They consist primarily of polyunsaturated fats, followed by monounsaturated fats, and then a small amount of saturated fats. This fatty acid composition is part of what makes them a healthy cooking oil choice, according to a July 2018 meta-analysis in Lipid Research.

These oils attract a lot of criticism because they are high in O mega-6 . Maintaining a healthy ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 is important for our health, but the problem is that we eat a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids (mainly through processed foods) and not enough of type 3.

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2 cooking oils you should avoid

Try to use these oils less often in your kitchen.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can be part of a healthy diet, but it is not as healthy as other oils like extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil, so its use should be limited.

The oil, extracted from the meat of coconuts, is about 93 percent saturated fat . There is a lot of debate as to whether the type of saturated fat found in coconut oil is really healthy, unhealthy, or has a neutral effect. The truth is, we still don't know for sure, according to a November 2018 review in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. More human clinical trials and observational studies need to be done to say for sure.

Coconut oil is relatively heat stable , although it depends on the type you are using. Virgin cold-pressed coconut oil has a smoke point of 176ºC, while refined coconut oil has a smoke point of 204-232 degrees.

Palm oil

This type is extracted from the fruit of a palm tree and has 52 percent saturated fat , while palm kernel oil, taken from the palm kernel, has 86 percent saturated fat. Due to its higher content of saturated fat, this is an oil that you should limit. Saturated fats give palm kernel oil a longer shelf life, which is why it is typically used in more commercially processed foods.

Almost 80 percent of the world's palm oil comes from Malaysia and Indonesia, where rainforests have been devastated to make way for palm plantations.