The 10 tropical fruits that provide the most benefits for your health

Fruits are an essential food in any healthy and balanced diet. Its consumption provides our body with a large amount of nutrients and minerals, which allow us to improve our health and face the days with more energy. It is becoming more and more common to find exotic fruits such as tropical fruits in the supermarket. As the name suggests, these fruits are grown in tropical or subtropical climates, but today they are increasingly being consumed all over the world. In this article we are going to tell you which are the tropical fruits that bring the most benefits to our body and that you can easily find in supermarkets or greengrocers.

Tropical fruits that provide the most benefits to the body


Razones por las cuales no adelgazas

This fruit is native to Central America and is considered one of the most nutritious foods that exist . Known as "green gold," avocado is packed with nutrients. It is a food very rich in antioxidants, so its consumption helps us prevent premature aging of the skin.

In addition, among other benefits, avocado provides us with monounsaturated fats, which are considered healthy fats for the body and that provide us with a high energy content. As for the minerals that we can find in this fruit, its high potassium content stands out, which helps us reduce blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Rich, healthy and nutritious, avocado is a fruit that adds color to any dish, being the perfect accompaniment to a salad or toast . In addition, it is used to make guacamole sauce, which will give your dishes a delicious and intense flavor.

Pineapple , one of the most beneficial tropical fruits

la piña es una de las frutas tropicales que más beneficios aportan a la salud

Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit from South America. It is basically made up of water, which is why it is considered one of the most diuretic exotic fruits that exist, helping us to eliminate fluids and toxins from the body. In addition, pineapple is high in fiber , reducing inflammation in the intestine and improving intestinal transit.

This fruit provides us with essential minerals that our body needs, such as magnesium, potassium and iron . Another of the main properties of pineapple is that it has a high content of a natural enzyme called bromelain , which promotes blood clotting and strengthens our immune system.

In short, pineapple is a fruit that cannot be missing from your diet. Its exotic and fresh flavor makes it the perfect fruit to consume during the summer . In addition to eating it alone, you can add it to salads and fruit salad.


Pomelo quemagrasa

This citrus from Caribbean plantations is one of the tropical fruits that provide the most health benefits. It contains high levels of vitamin C , which favors the growth and repair of tissues. In addition, grapefruit is an excellent ally in weight loss diets due to its cleansing properties and its low caloric level . On the other hand, its consumption has been shown to improve the health of the skin, bringing luminosity to the skin and preventing its aging.

Passion fruit

Cómo hacer mousse de maracuyá con proteínas

Purple or yellow in color, the passion fruit, also known as the passion fruit , is native to Brazil and southern Africa. It is extracted from a climbing plant known as Passiflora edulis and is characterized by having a bittersweet and refreshing taste.

As main benefits, it should be noted that its consumption reduces cholesterol levels in our body. In addition, it has been shown that taking this fruit prevents the appearance of eye diseases given its high content of vitamin A. On the other hand, passion fruit contains properties that help reduce muscle pain, being one of the tropical fruits that provide the most benefits to your health.


¿Qué es la papaya?

Papaya is native to Mexico but is grown in different areas of the world, such as the Canary Islands. Its flavor is quite mild, and the benefits it provides to organs such as the liver and gallbladder, make it an essential food in our diet.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain , which helps us in our digestive process. Likewise, it is rich in potassium so its consumption, among other benefits, prevents the onset of cardiovascular diseases.


el mango es una de las frutas tropicales que más beneficios aportan

The mango comes from India and northern Burma. Its texture makes it one of the juiciest tropical fruits that exist . In addition, its striking color and its characteristic and intense sweet flavor make the mango a widely consumed fruit in our country.

The benefits of eating mango are numerous, as it contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals that improve our health. However, it is worth noting its high content of vitamins C and K , which help strengthen bones.

Without a doubt, if you are passionate about sweets, we recommend that you include this filling and nutritious fruit in your diet. There are several ways in which you can take it, either directly or as a condiment for a salad. In the same way, it is great mixed with natural yogurt and even in more elaborate dishes such as Mexican tacos.



Coming from Central American countries, guava is gradually becoming popular around the world. With a sweet taste and a very pleasant aroma , guava is another of the tropical fruits that provide the most benefits to the body when we consume it. This delicious fruit consists mainly of water and has very few calories. In this sense, it is perfect to introduce it in diets aimed at weight loss, thanks to its high fiber content.

Custard apple

chirimoya, una de las frutas tropicales que más beneficios aportan

Very aromatic and sweet, this fruit is native to South America. Like guava, it is made up of water and fiber, so its consumption favors intestinal transit . The carbohydrates found in this fruit, such as fructose or glucose , make it a great source of energy. On the other hand, very positive effects are associated with the balance of the nervous system, functioning as a natural anxiolytic.



Coconut is an exotic fruit obtained from the coconut tree, also known as the “tree of life”. It is ideal to fight the heat and give energy to our body. However, a moderate consumption is recommended since coconut is a very caloric fruit , its main component being saturated fat.

We could say that the coconut is a very versatile fruit since it offers us many possibilities, from tasting its inner white meat to extracting coconut milk, water or oil from it. In addition to being used as food, this fruit is widely used in the cosmetic world since coconut oil has been shown to be excellent for hair care and skin hydration.


descubre las frutas tropicales que más beneficios aportan a la salud

Pithaya, also known as dragon fruit , comes from Central America, specifically from countries like Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Of the exotic fruits that exist, we could say that the pithaya has the most striking appearance, being able to find different varieties (fuchsia or yellow pithaya).

Regarding its nutritional components, this peculiar fruit contains natural antioxidants that prevent cell damage or aging. In addition, its high content of vitamin C helps us prevent colds and flu.