10 recipes to increase the amount of iron you consume in your diet

Iron is an essential mineral for the body, as it helps transport oxygen and produce red blood cells . For this reason, it is important to include it in your diet and meet your recommended daily intake of 18 mg. You can use a variety of recipes to increase the amount of iron you consume to keep your body working properly.

The deficiency of this mineral can cause problems in your daily performance , since it will cause fatigue and related problems such as anemia. In the same way, if you have a low consumption, your body will use your reserves, but without being able to replace them. In this sense, it is important to know which foods contain high content of this mineral and incorporate them into your recipes to increase the amount of iron you consume . Learn about the best ways to increase your iron intake!

Recetas para aumentar la cantidad de hierro en tu dieta y evitar enfermedades como la anemia

Iron rich foods

Among the foods with a higher contribution of this mineral stand out meats, dark chocolate, legumes and some seeds such as pumpkin.


Every 100 g of clams provide the body with 28 mg of iron , which represents 156% of the recommended daily intake. Shellfish offer a type of iron (heme) that is easier to absorb than that from plants. In addition, by including them in your recipes to increase the amount of iron, they will help you improve good cholesterol and ingest proteins and vitamins such as B12 and C.

Dark chocolate

It will offer you 11.79 mg of iron for every 100 g consumed . It will also provide you with prebiotic fiber, antioxidants and other minerals such as magnesium and copper.

Pepper or cayenne

Each 100 g will provide you 7.8 mg of iron , making it an alternative if you like spicy food. It also offers you antioxidants and other minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, selenium, and vitamins A, B3, B6, E and K.


For every 100 g they will provide you with 6.5 mg of iron and other important minerals such as selenium and copper. This is one of the foods most used in recipes to increase the amount of iron in people with anemia. Similarly, the liver and other organs will offer you vitamins A and B.


They will provide 5.5 mg of iron for every 100 g consumed. They will also provide you with other minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, and vitamins A, B6 and C.


Every 100 g of oats will provide you 4.72 mg of iron . In addition, you will get dietary fiber; minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium, manganese, and copper; and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6.

Pumpkin seeds

Each 100 g of these seeds will provide you with 4.2 mg of iron and other minerals such as magnesium, zinc and manganese, and vitamin K.


They will provide you with 3.5 mg of iron for every 100 g consumed . In addition, it will provide you with vitamin C and the benefits of carotenoid antioxidants. It is an important ingredient in recipes to increase the amount of iron in the body.


Every 100 g of these cooked beans will offer you 3.33 mg of iron . Other recommended legumes are chickpeas, peas, and soybeans. These foods are rich in fiber, magnesium, folate, and potassium. To improve its absorption you can consume them with foods rich in vitamin C such as kiwi, tomatoes, citrus fruits and vegetables.


They will offer you 2.89 mg of iron for every 100 g of these grains consumed . In addition, they will provide you with potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and K, and antioxidants.


For every 100 g you will get 2.86 mg of iron . On the other hand, it will offer you protein, vitamin B1 and other minerals such as magnesium, calcium and selenium. It is an alternative widely used by vegetarians in recipes to increase the amount of iron and avoid diseases such as anemia.

Red meat

For every 100 g of red meat you can get up to 2.7 mg of iron . In addition, it will also offer you protein, vitamin B and other minerals such as zinc and selenium.

Turkey meat

For every 100 grams of turkey meat you can get 2.3 mg of iron (dark meat) or 1.3 mg (white meat) . On the other hand, it will provide you with protein, vitamin B and minerals such as selenium and zinc.


For every 100 g you will get 1.51 mg of iron . Similarly, it will provide you with protein, magnesium, manganese, folate, copper, and antioxidants. It is a good alternative for people with gluten intolerance .


It will offer you 0.64 mg of iron for every 100 g consumed . It will also provide you with fiber, vitamin C and folate.

Alimentos ricos en nutrientes que puedes incluir en tus recetas para aumentar la cantidad de hierro en tu dieta

Best recipes to increase the amount of iron you consume in your diet

Oatmeal cream


  • 6 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 2 cups of milk.
  • Powdered cinnamon and sugar to taste.


  1. Combine the milk, oatmeal and sugar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, for about 15 minutes.
  2. When the oats are soft and the mixture has a creamy consistency, remove from heat and add the cinnamon.
  3. It can be consumed alone or by adding nuts or fresh fruits to increase the nutritional intake.
Crema de avena: una las recetas para aumentar la cantidad de hierro en tu dieta más fáciles de preparar.

Oatmeal pancakes


  • ½ cup of oatmeal.
  • 5 egg whites.
  • 1 fresh fruit such as banana, strawberry or apple.
  • Cinnamon and sugar to taste.


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and cook in a preheated pan greased with oil.
  2. You can add vanilla, wheat flour, milk, fruit, or water to vary its consistency and flavor .
Panqueques de avena, una alternativa para evitar niveles bajos de hierro en el organismo.

Lentils with rice


  • 200 g of white or brown rice.
  • 400 g of lentils.
  • 1 onion.
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 green pepper
  • 2 potatoes.
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • Bay leaf, salt, paprika, pepper or cayenne and spinach to taste.


  1. Cook the rice in a saucepan with double the amount of water (400 ml), 2 minced garlic cloves and salt to taste.
  2. The rice must be removed from the heat when it is almost ready (5-7 minutes before), the excess water must be strained.
  3. In another pot, cover the lentils with water, add the rest of the ingredients and cook for approximately 30 minutes.
  4. When the lentils are almost done, add the rice and a little paprika, and mix.
  5. Cook for 5 more minutes and let it rest.
Arroz con lentejas: una de las recetas para aumentar la cantidad de hierro en el organismo más recomendadas y fáciles de elaborar.

Chickpeas with spinach


  • 150 g of chickpeas.
  • 1 cup of spinach leaves.
  • 8 cloves of garlic.
  • Paprika, salt, cumin, pepper, wine vinegar and slices of bread to taste.


  1. Soak the chickpeas for 12 to 24 hours to soften, then cook them in boiling water with a little salt.
  2. Wash the spinach, cut it, cook it in salted water for about 10 minutes, then drain the excess water.
  3. Cut 5 garlic slices and fry them in a pan with the bread slices.
  4. Blend the bread and fried garlic in two cups of water with the vinegar, cumin, pepper and salt to taste.
  5. In another pan, sauté 3 whole garlic cloves, add the drained spinach and cook.
  6. Gradually add the paprika and the bread and garlic mixture.
  7. When it is almost ready add the chickpeas with a little salt, pepper and vinegar, and cook for a few minutes until thickened.
  8. You can serve them with bread or rice .
Garbanzos con espinacas: una comida rica en hierro.

Clams a la marinera


  • Fresh large clams.
  • 2 red tomatoes.
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • 2 onions.
  • 1 cup of oil.
  • Parsley, spinach and white pepper or ground cayenne.


  1. Preheat a small skillet with oil and add the chopped onions until golden brown.
  2. Later, add the garlic to the pan and when they are golden, add the peeled tomatoes and chopped into pieces.
  3. When the content in the pan begins to boil you should add the clams.
  4. Cook for a few minutes and add the parsley, pepper and spinach, and leave on the fire for a few more minutes.
  5. You can add salt to taste to enhance the flavor .
Almejas a la marinera: una de las recetas para aumentar la cantidad de hierro en el organismo con un mayor aporte

Liver with onions


  • 1,000 g of beef or veal liver in fillets.
  • 2 onions.
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • 1 cup of white wine
  • Wheat flour, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Season the liver in fillets with salt and pepper to taste, and sprinkle with wheat flour.
  2. Fry the liver in a preheated pan with olive oil until golden brown.
  3. Cut the onions into rings and the garlic cloves into small pieces, and fry them in another pan with olive oil until golden brown.
  4. Later, add the liver and white wine, and mix with a wooden spoon while it cooks over low heat.
  5. When the alcohol evaporates and the mixture acquires consistency, you can remove the pan from the heat.
  6. The liver onions can be served with rice, mashed potatoes or bread .
Hígado encebollado: una comida rica en nutrientes.

Grilled cheese quinoa salad


  • 200 g of quinoa.
  • 250 g of cheese divided into 6 slices.
  • 1 lemon (juice and zest).
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil.
  • 500 ml of vegetable broth.
  • 1 small red onion, sliced
  • 1 roasted bell pepper, sliced
  • Sugar, salt, pepper and parsley to taste.


  1. Preheat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and add the onion and bell pepper for a few minutes until golden brown.
  2. Later, add the quinoa and cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Add the vegetable broth to cover and cook over low heat until the ingredients are soft and add a part of the parsley.
  4. In a bowl, mix the lemon juice and zest, the remaining oil and parsley, the sugar, the salt and the pepper to taste.
  5. Grill the halloumi cheese on a preheated grill until it has a golden appearance and a crisp consistency.
  6. Mix the salad, dressing and halloumi cheese in a bowl and serve with your favorite foods .
Ensalada de quinua con queso halloumi a la parrilla

Spinach, pine nut and tofu cannelloni


  • 400 g of spinach.
  • 350 g of silk tofu.
  • 50 g of chopped pine nuts.
  • 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil.
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic.
  • 800 g of chopped tomatoes.
  • 300 g of fresh lasagna sheets or sheets.
  • 4 tablespoons of fresh breadcrumbs.
  • Salt, nutmeg and pepper to taste.


  1. Preheat a frying pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, add the onion and 1 clove of garlic, and cook for a few minutes until golden brown.
  2. Add the tomatoes, salt, and pepper, and cook for a few minutes until the mixture thickens.
  3. Preheat another pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, cook 1 clove of garlic until golden brown and add 200 g of spinach and 25 g of pine nuts.
  4. Dry the rest of the spinach and let it rest in a bowl.
  5. Beat the tofu until soft, you can use a mixer or a food processor.
  6. Combine the tofu, spinach, nutmeg and pepper in a bowl.
  7. Pour the tomato sauce into a bowl and divide the spinach mixture between the lasagna sheets previously dipped in hot water.
  8. Roll up the sheets and cover them with the tomato sauce.
  9. Combine the breadcrumbs, 1 garlic clove and the remaining pine nuts and spread them on the plate.
  10. Bake for a few minutes until the bread is golden brown. You can accompany with other recipes to increase the amount of iron in your body .
Canelones de espinacas, piñones y tofu: una alternativa para aumentar tu consumo de hierro.

Lentil salad with soy, broccoli and peas


  • 200 g of lentils.
  • 150 g of soy.
  • 200 g of broccoli.
  • 150 g of peas.
  • 1 l of vegetable broth.
  • 1 pepper, chili or cayenne sliced
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil.
  • 1 clove of minced garlic.
  • 40 ml of soy sauce with little salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 3 cm of grated ginger.
  • Juice of 1 lemon.


  1. Cook the lentils in the vegetable broth until cooked.
  2. Add the broccoli to a pot with water and salt, and cook for a few minutes.
  3. Later, add the broccoli, soybeans and peas, and cook for a few more minutes.
  4. Drain the previous mixture and the lentils, and mix them.
  5. In a bowl, mix the sesame oil, pepper, garlic clove, soy sauce, honey, ginger and lemon juice, and add this dressing over the lentils and broccoli.
  6. This recipe is ideal to accompany with rice, bread or your favorite foods .
Ensalada de lentejas con soja, brócoli y guisantes. para aumentar el consumo de hierro

Spinach, chickpeas, broccoli, lentils and tomato curry


  • 100 g of spinach.
  • 400 g of cooked chickpeas.
  • 4 tablespoons of cooked red lentils.
  • 1 branch or head of broccoli.
  • 6 ripe tomatoes.
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 cm of ginger to be grated.
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced into small pieces.
  • ½ tablespoon of virgin oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cumin.
  • 2 small tablespoons of ground coriander.
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast extract.
  • Cayenne or ground chili to taste.
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds.
  • 6 tablespoons of coconut cream.
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped cashew.
  • Juice of 1 lemon.


  1. Blend the garlic, onion, tomatoes, and ginger in a blender or food processor until smooth.
  2. Add the spices in a preheated frying pan with the oil and fry until golden brown.
  3. Add the tomato mixture and yeast extract, and boil for a few minutes.
  4. Add the coconut cream and lentils, and cook until soft.
  5. Add the broccoli and cook for a few more minutes.
  6. Later, add the chickpeas, spinach and lemon juice.
  7. Mix the cashew and sesame, and sprinkle them over the previous preparation.
  8. This meal can be consumed alone or with other foods such as rice .
Espinacas, garbanzos, brócoli, lentejas y tomate al curry: una alternativa para veganos para aumentar la cantidad de hierro en la dieta.