Sweet potato filling, an unbeatable choice

On many occasions, we discard making some recipes for fear that we do not like them or they do not turn out well. We must eliminate this blockage, because if we dare with some of them, we can discover real delicacies full of benefits for our body. This is the case of the stuffed sweet potato , an easy, quick and delicious dish. Have you never thought about it? Today is a good day to do it!

Surely at home you have all the necessary ingredients to make this delicious recipe. However, once you have made it, step by step, as we recommend, you can bet on your creativity and add more things to the filling. You will be amazed at how easy it is to prepare and how much you enjoy it . In addition to this, sweet potato has great benefits for your body , so it is an excellent idea to have this superfood in your kitchen and in your diet.

boniato relleno

Why choose to eat stuffed sweet potato?

Having a food as nutritionally rich as sweet potato is an excellent decision. And it has a great antioxidant power that protects the cells of our body, neutralizing free radicals and preventing premature aging. In addition, it contributes to good bone and cartilage health , thanks to its manganese content. Sweet potato has great anti-inflammatory properties and has a large amount of vitamins (A, group B, C, E) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium).

Its sweet flavor is exquisite, different from what we usually consume. In addition, it is a very versatile food that can be prepared in many ways. You can check our recipe for Caramelized Sweet Potato Fit.

Sweet potato filling, step by step

If you have not tried it yet, it will surely become a regular dish from now on. If, on the contrary, you already used it regularly, you are interested in knowing other ways to prepare it.


  • 1 medium sweet potato
  • 1 can of natural tuna
  • 3 slices of turkey low in salt (also rich with chicken)
  • 2 tablespoons of crushed tomato
  • spices to taste (oregano, basil, chili, tabasco …)


To get started…

We take the sweet potato and we make some slices, as if we were going to do it in slices but without getting to cut it whole.

In the oven, previously preheated …

We bake it at 250ºC for about 25 minutes.


We take them out of the oven and cut it perpendicular through the center of the slices, it stays wide open on the plate.

On the other hand…

We mix the chopped turkey, the tuna, the tomato and the spices. Fill the sweet potato with the mixture, which is already open and ready.

To end…

We add a little more oregano on top and … ready to enjoy! Remember to serve it hot.