So you can freeze avocados

It may sound strange, but yes, avocados can be frozen. Avocados are not exactly at a price where we can afford the “luxury” of throwing them away when they go bad. Starting from the basis that we should not throw away so much food, but at the price at which this fruit, throwing it away hurts a lot.

Avocado is one of the most complete fruits that we can eat on a daily basis. In fact, we encourage our readers to create recipes where you can fit in at least half an avocado each day.

To preserve avocados in the freezer, the first thing we have to do is decide how we will do it, that is, cut into cubes, whole, in half, with or without pit, etc. It should be noted that, as a general rule, unripe avocados (green ones) are kept whole in the fridge or at room temperature and it is not necessary to freeze them.

Let’s say that it is only recommended to freeze those that are already ripe and we want to pause or slow down their process. But it depends on each one, and the best option is to puree it, as we will see in the next section.

Be very careful when defrosting. It’s no joke, if we do it wrong, we can lose the avocado because it will turn black. In short, avoid sources of heat.

Whole or pureed

Un agucate partido por la mitad

Let’s see how to freeze them and then consume them. We are going to explain 2 different tricks, since we can freeze the avocado in halves in freezer bags or in a tupperware , or puree it and put it in a glass jar.

If we don’t want to complicate our lives, it is best to cut the avocado in half, remove the bone and remove the outer skin. If we are going to freeze it in halves, it is important that we know that we must use avocados that are at their exact point of ripeness and rather green. Another important fact is that, when thawed, the texture and flavor will have changed.

The other way to freeze avocados is to make a 100% puree or cream of this fruit without adding lemon or anything else and place it in a Tupperware container (preferably glass with an airtight lid), and from there, to the freezer. When we take it out we can easily add it to the recipe. Moreover, we will save time.

How to defrost it

To properly thaw this fruit, it is best to move that bag from the freezer to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and then use it in the recipe. Remember that when you freeze it, its texture, flavor, smell and others will have changed, but its nutrients are usually maintained at almost 100%.

Let’s not think about going from the freezer to room temperature, since that will spoil the avocado, be it whole, in halves, pieces or puree. In addition, this sudden change in temperature will cause natural bacteria to proliferate.

Much less do we think of passing it directly from the freezer to a heat source such as an oven, microwave, frying pan or similar. Since all the water from the freezing process will be released and there it will lose flavor, texture and that heat will kill many of its essential nutrients.