Routine with TRX for back: these are the best exercises

Although there are different ways to strengthen your back such as kettlebells, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises, a TRX back workout is also an ideal way to work your upper body , as this system adapts to any level. of physical condition, it requires little material and space and provides enough flexibility to do any exercise.

Best exercises for routine with TRX for back

Lightweight, compact, versatile, and portable, suspension straps can be used to train virtually every muscle in your body . While they limit you to exercising your body weight as resistance, they allow you to adjust the angle of your body to make the exercises more or less difficult as needed.

TRX straps are especially good for training the chest, back, and arms. They provide an excellent alternative to more traditional back building exercises such as chin-ups, rowing, or deadlifts

The TRX training system focuses on suspension exercises that work the entire body while activating the core, which means that they also strengthen the back muscles for balance. With just two straps, two handles, and an anchor , you can quickly fit anywhere and perform a TRX back workout with little effort but great results.

Inverted Row with TRX

This is one of the best exercises you can include in your routine with TRX for the back, as it strengthens the dorsal and rhomboids , and also involves the erector spinae.

remo invertido con TRX rutinda con TRX para espalda

How to do it:

  1. Adjust your TRX approximately to waist height . Sit on the floor under the straps. Grab the handles and, with your arms straight , place your feet flat on the floor and lift your hips so that your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line.
  2. Keeping your body straight and your core tight, bend your arms and pull your body towards the handles. Keep your elbows close to your sides and your wrists straight.
  3. Extend your arms and repeat .
  4. Make this exercise easier by bending your legs, or more intense by placing your feet on an exercise bench.

TRX Single Arm Row

Remo TRX con un solo brazo

How to do it:

  1. Adjust the straps so that the handles are at waist level . Grab them with one hand and lean back, feet flat on the floor and legs straight.
  2. Bend your arm and, without rotating your shoulders or hips, lift yourself up to the handle . Extend your arm and repeat. Once you've completed all of your reps, switch arms and do the same number of reps with the other.
  3. Make this exercise more difficult by extending the straps and leaning further back. Make it easier by shortening the straps and positioning your body at a less angle.

Face pull with TRX

TRX face pulls

How to do it:

  1. Hold a TRX handle in each hand and lean back so that your arms are straight. Turn your palms down to face the ground.
  2. Keeping your body straight, bend your arms and lift your head between the handles . Don't strain your neck or push your head forward.
  3. Extend your arms and repeat .
  4. Make this exercise more difficult by moving your feet further and leaning further back. Make it easier by keeping your body more upright.

TRX power pull

TRX power pull rutina con TRX para espalda

How to do it:

  1. Prepare as if you were going to row one arm on TRX. Extend your non-working arm down behind you toward the ground .
  2. Starting with your arm straight, bend your elbow sharply and stretch the strap with your opposite arm . Roll your shoulders to try to get a little higher.
  3. Rotate your waist, extend your arm, and lower yourself back to the ground .
  4. Make this exercise more difficult by lengthening the strap, or easier by shortening it.

Dominated with TRX

TRX pull-ups

How to do it:

  1. Shorten the straps on your TRX so that when you sit under the handles, you can reach them.
  2. Holding the handles and with your legs stretched out in front of you, fold your arms and stand up . Let your wrists rotate naturally.
  3. Extend your arms and repeat .
  4. Enhance this exercise by keeping your legs locked and lifting them off the ground.

The best deals we have found to buy TRX belts