Bunions: more than just an aesthetic problem

Bunions or Hallux Valgus is the deviation of the first toe (big toe) towards the other fingers, heredity represents 70% of the causes for which a person can suffer it, according to Marta Elena Preciado, orthopedist and traumatologist, graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

This deformity can cause a lot of pain and is more frequent in women, among its causes, in addition to the genetic factor, is the use of very narrow shoes on the toe for long periods of time, and among the symptoms are pain, inflammation and difficulties to put on shoes.

But the problem goes beyond the physical, since, apart from pain and inability for certain activities, it affects those who suffer from it psychologically. In a study carried out by Ortocen, a specialist center for foot problems, located in Madrid, Spain, it is a deformity that generates shame in women, since the feet are precisely one of the parts most admired by men.

The research indicates that by having to wear open shoes, women expose their bunions , which makes them complex and even makes it difficult for them to find a partner, and over time, those who have this condition have keys in the lower part of the fingers and can be seen accompanied by claw toes, that is, the other four toes are tilted downward.

But, what should we do once we have this problem? It is essential to know that the damage is not reversible, but with the use of insoles and change of footwear, the deformation process can be stopped, says Berl Blank, orthopedic surgeon at the Amerimed Hospital of Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

It is not recommended that this type of problem be operated on, unless the pain is very intense, since its recovery is slow. Surgeries are individualized, depending on the case is the procedure to follow, if the problem occurs in both feet, it is recommended to intervene one and the other six months, although the post-operative does not require rehabilitation, the patient may take up to two months to regain normal activities.

The community of the Mexican College of Orthopedics and Traumatology, reports on its website that between 85 and 90% of patients who undergo bunion surgery are satisfied with the results, as long as the patient has symptoms such as: severe pain still with adequate footwear, chronic inflation that does not improve with rest, inability to move the finger and not obtaining results with anti-inflammatory.

One of the most effective operations for bunions is minimally invasive or percutaneous surgery, this is ambulatory, with local anesthesia, 1 centimeter incisions are made through which the deformation is improved by filing the bone, the patient walks out and the rehabilitation process lasts between 6 to 8 weeks.

Among the disadvantages of this intervention is a possible delay in healing, in addition to running the risk of contracting infections, burns, vascular or neurological injuries, delays in bone mobility and in some cases the reappearance of the bunion.

According to The Americam College of Foot & Ankle Orthopedics & Medicine (ACFAOM), the triggers for bunion formation are: abnormalities in the foot, occupational risks, inflammatory joint diseases, and differences in the length of the lower extremities.

Among the athletes who are more prone to this deformity, according to the ACFAOM, are runners, due to the frequent use of inappropriate footwear, which is generally very narrow and causes the fingers to compress.


Fight bunions from home

Like any human ailment, there are home remedies that can improve symptoms, so below we leave you a compilation of some of them:

  • Soak your feet in warm water with magnesium salt for 20 minutes, this is anti-inflammatory.
  • Heat olive oil with lavender leaves and when it is warm, massage the affected part, you can do the same with arnica.
  • Take an onion and shred it, put the paste on the bunion with a bandage and leave it overnight, you can do the same with a tomato.
  • Before going to bed put your feet in warm water with rue, this helps to minimize pain, then do a massage with iodine, to finish calming.