Really lifting weights for growth?

Weightlifting is not a frequent sporting activity among children, and when a teenager shows his intention of wanting to join a gym to exercise with weights, it is not uncommon for them to say “If you lift weights at your age, you will stay short ”. This is a very widespread belief among the collective and causes many doubts and confusion among those who are in full development age and obviously do not want to remain small.

Discover what is the origin of this myth.

Where does the myth of “lifting weights stunts growth” come from?

The origin of this myth dates back to the 1970s when Japanese scientists observed that working children were shorter than average according to their ages. These researchers concluded that carrying heavy objects for a long time negatively affected children’s growth. Since then, unfounded anecdotes and the lack of studies to refute or confirm what was concluded in the Japanese study have contributed to perpetuating this belief to the present day.

ejercicio para niños

What does science say today regarding weight lifting and growth?

Today all the guys who want to lift weights are in luck, because it has been scientifically proven that lifting weights in children and adolescents does not alter growth.

Studies such as the one carried out by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2008, not only deny that strength training atrophies growth discs or alters bone development in children and adolescents, but they point out that, in fact, this type of training involves many benefits for the youngest, such as:

  • Increased mineralization and density of bones.
  • Optimal development of muscles and joints.
  • Weight control in obese children.
  • Increased strength in preteens and teens.
  • Improved posture.
  • Reduced risk of injury.
  • Mental Wellness.

Another study carried out by the University of Sydney, showed that strength training in children aged 4 to 8 years with cerebral palsy improves strength and functional performance, and these benefits were maintained over time after training ceased.

What precautions should be taken in weight training in children?

All the studies that have been carried out on the subject have emphasized that controlled training should be carried out , with a prior medical evaluation and with a program designed by a professional, since strength training in children and young people Whether with resistance bands, light weights, or body weight, performed in an uncontrolled manner can result in injury.


Scientists who are currently studying the effect of weights in children argue that the children studied in the 1970s had developmental problems due to fatigue from long hours of work and poor nutrition. Therefore, banish this old myth from your mind and encourage your children to train with weights: they will gain health, self-esteem, strength, agility … And they will definitely grow healthy.


  • American Academy Of Pediatrics, Strength Training by Children And Adolescents. [Revised November 2015]
  • Gretchen Reynolds, The Benefits of Weight Training for Children. For The New York Times. [Revised November 2015]
  • Luis Sierra, At what age to start lifting weights? For [Revised in November 2015]