4 exercises to achieve perfect buttocks

Dr. Stuart McGill , a well-known expert on back problems, points out that most lower back problems are due to “gluteal amnesia.” This term refers to the fact that we have forgotten to use our buttocks due to being sedentary or sitting most of the day, causing us not to perform the movements correctly. Likewise, there are those who perform glute exercises but do not achieve satisfactory results because the problem when training them is that the exercises are not performed properly.

The buttocks are a very important muscle group because, thanks to them, injuries are prevented, it provides stability and improves sports performance; It is also a muscle group that draws a lot of attention, leading many people to exercise it for a more aesthetic reason than for well-being, but beyond that it is essential to exercise them for health reasons. Do you want to get perfect buttocks?

How to strengthen in a simple way and have perfect buttocks?

Let’s see how we can strengthen such an important muscle group with these exercises:

1. Squat for perfect buttocks

  • Spread your legs slightly to keep your balance.
  • Lower yourself and make sure your legs are at a right angle . The balls of the feet should be slightly open.
  • Bend your knees straight over your feet. Check that the knees do not look inwards to avoid risks of injuries to the menisci and internal joints.
  • Make sure your glutes are pulled back during the squat and hold for five seconds.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Ejercicios para glúteos perfectos

2. Modified Clamshell

  • Lie on your left side with your head resting comfortably .
  • Your bottom leg should be straight, with the top hip bent up to ninety degrees and your foot resting behind the knee.
  • Your hips should be forward , and they should stay in this position throughout the movement.
  • Squeeze your glutes and lift your right leg, keeping your foot up for five seconds.
  • Repeat with the opposite side.
  • Perform 10 repetitions for each side.


3. Glute Bridge

There are two modes of this exercise:

Glute Bridge “Cook”

Developed by physiotherapist Gray Cook , it eliminates movement in the lumbar spine, forcing the glutes to do the work. To perform this exercise:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent.
  • Get into the glute bridge or glute bridge position .
  • Place a tennis ball under your lower rib on one side, and bring your knee toward your chest , focusing the ball down with your thigh.
  • Hold on to this position , lift your hips into the air, and hold for five seconds up.
  • Repeat 10 times for each leg ensuring that your hips remain stable throughout the exercise.

Glute Bridge with Leading Leg

This exercise forces all the stabilizer muscles to participate. For this variant of the glute bridge:

  • Get into the bridge position and lift your hips into the air.
  • In this top position, and without allowing any movement in the hips, slowly raise one leg and hold for three seconds.
  • Return your leg to its original position and lift the opposite leg.
  • Repeat about twenty times, ensuring that your hips remain stable throughout the exercise.

Glute bridge para glúteos

4. Walking with mini-bands

Mini bands are becoming more and more popular and the reason is that it allows the glutes to prepare for the subsequent workout. Additionally, it has the advantage that you can do it anywhere you are. For it:

  • Put the mini band on your feet .
  • Walk sideways , trying to move your upper body as little as possible.
  • Do this exercise for at least 5 minutes.

Ejercicio para glúteos


  • Dionne, C. 4 Simple Exercises to Get Your Glutes Fired Up. For Breakingmuscle. [Revised November 2015]