Quiche with vegetables and salmon

Thinking of healthy ideas for lunch or dinner, sometimes we focus on making the same dishes and we do not come out of a monotony of food. There are many recipes that, traditionally, are not the best option, but that we can modify for healthier and less caloric foods. In this case, we teach you how to make a salmon and vegetable quiche, very easy to make and perfect to take anywhere.

Can a quiche be healthy?

The original recipe features ingredients such as milk creams, meat products and refined flours. It's delicious? We do not doubt it, but you can enjoy the same dish with healthier options. Vegetables may be the ones that you like the most, just as you will have free choice with spices. Of course, we recommend that you try this recipe with salmon to give variety to its way of cooking.

quiche de verduras y salmón


  • 400 gr of cooked chickpeas
  • 4 eggs
  • 70 grams of wholemeal flour
  • 300 grams of salmon
  • 1 green pepper
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 100 ml of milk or vegetable drink
  • Spices to taste


We prepare the vegetables

We wash them and cut them into small pieces. When we have them ready, we sauté them in a pan (previously greased with extra virgin olive oil), for 10 minutes.

The salmon…

We cut it into small pieces too and add it to the vegetable stir fry in the pan. We let it cook for 5 minutes, more or less.

We prepare a mixture

If we choose cooked chickpeas from a pot, we wash them well and drain. Next, we crush them with a mixer and add 2 eggs and the chosen spices.

In a mold…

Grease with a little extra virgin olive oil and spread the mixture that we have just made.

We make a second mix

We combine the mixture of the vegetables and salmon with 2 beaten eggs, the 100 ml of milk and spices.

We add to the mold

Pour over the base mass and put in the oven for about 20-30 minutes, at 200º C and with the oven previously heated.