Pumpkin and spinach salad with quinoa

The salads in use are increasingly obsolete thanks to the new ideas that are emerging.

Did anyone think that salads could only be green leaves? If you are one of those, take good note of the following recipe because you are going to hallucinate.

The base is mainly quinoa, but we will add pumpkin and spinach to make a triple fiber combo. They are very easy to find ingredients; Although cabalaza is a fruit of the fall season, we usually find it in supermarkets vacuum packed or together with vegetable preparations. This time we ask you for pumpkin puree and, of course, we prefer it to be homemade to avoid the abuse of sodium and preservatives.

The rest of the components of this salad can be varied according to your tastes : if you don't like onion, if you prefer to add other spices, if you don't want to add cheese …

As for the cheese , we have not specified that it is light, why? If you really find any light grated cheese with "pasteurized milk" as the first ingredient, great. The normal thing is that it costs you, so we prefer that you take quality cheese with healthy nutritional value; that, in addition, you are not going to take a whole package.


  • 3 cups cooked quinoa (1 cup uncooked)
  • 1 cup of pumpkin puree
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 3 cups low-sodium chicken broth
  • 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 4 handfuls of fresh spinach
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


Cook the quinoa

If you don't have cooked quinoa, do it according to the instructions.
1 cup raw quinoa = 3 cups cooked

In a frying pan…

Grease the pan with the tablespoon of olive oil. We add the onion previously cut very fine and in small pieces. We also add the chopped garlic and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Add the pumpkin puree, the chicken broth and season to taste.

Let them cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Once the time has passed, add the cheese and wait for it to melt.

In a large bowl …

Place the quinoa next to the fresh, washed spinach.
Return the mixture to the pan and stir until smooth.