Orange sponge cake with no added sugar

It smells like spring already! With the arrival of the months of good weather, the orange trees bear fruit and the citrus season begins. Oranges and tangerines have always been a great snack, as well as recognized to strengthen the immune system. But if you are bored of taking fruit in its original form or in juices, we teach you how to make a delicious orange cake without added sugar.

No sugar, no sweeteners, no gluten

The advantage of making homemade sweets is that we can control the ingredients that we are going to consume. Most cupcakes contain sugar or sweeteners to add sweetness; in addition to poor quality vegetable oils and refined flours. In this recipe you can include gluten-free flour so that celiacs can enjoy this wonderful dessert.

bizcocho de naranja saludable


  • 180 grams of oatmeal
  • 1 Greek goat yogurt
  • Half orange
  • 1 hoe apple or 1 ripe banana
  • 2 medjoul dates
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons of yeast
  • Cinnamon to taste


We mix all the ingredients

We add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them. It is important that they are all at the same temperature, so take the eggs and yogurt out of the fridge a little before.

To the mold!

Pour the mixture into the mold that you like the most. You can put a piece of chocolate inside or decorate with nuts.

Put it in the oven at 200ºC, for about 20-30 minutes. Always watch so that it does not burn.