Innovation in relation to the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV

The Human Papilloma Virus affects a large number of people around the world , becoming more common than is thought. This is why, with the passing of time, there is more and more innovation in relation to the Human Papilloma Virus or methods that have been sought to treat this disease, as well as to prevent it.

On this occasion, we will talk to you about some innovations that have emerged in recent years regarding treatments to prevent this pathology.

DNA test for HPV

It was learned that during 2015, through Conacyt (an information agency), that the Population Health Research Center innovated by developing a DNA test capable of detecting the human papillomavirus.

This certainly brings great hope for the early detection of cancers that can be caused by HPV . This test can be done through a vaginal cytology , where a sample of the cells present around the cervix is taken.

Subsequently, in a laboratory and through a microscope, it is studied whether the sample taken has any type of element that may indicate the presence of some type of human papilloma virus that may cause the development of some type of cancer.

innovación en relación al virus del papiloma humano

In Mexico they seek to manufacture a gel and condoms against HPV

It is said that this interesting alternative is being carried out by researchers belonging to the Center for Advanced Research and Study (CINVESTAV), located in Mexico.

Research for the development of these new protection mechanisms is based on ‘aptameters’ . This is because it is believed that these elements belonging to the DNA chain can be effective in treating some types of HPV.

Based on the above, the goal would be to create accessories that can inhibit or prevent human papillomavirus infection when having sex. In case the creation of these takes place, it would be a great step. Well, they would increase the chances of avoiding the presence of diseases caused by HPV.

The option of reducing the HPV vaccine to a single dose is being evaluated

In Costa Rica, the ACIB has recently been conducting research studying the possibility of reducing the dose of the HPV vaccine. It is said that the goal is to reduce the application of the vaccine from two doses to one.

It should be borne in mind that getting vaccinated against the human papillomavirus is important , since this disease is transmitted through contact with the skin. Therefore, contraceptive methods in many cases are not enough to avoid contagion of it. It is said that the ideal is to apply this vaccine during adolescence, so that the prevention of this disease can be more effective.

As has been observed, there are multiple investigations that are increasingly being carried out in order to seek innovation in relation to the human papilloma virus, prevention, as well as the treatment of the HPV virus.