Find out how far you can be a better runner

If we were to do the mental exercise of asking two runners if they think a 5K marathon or a half marathon is more difficult, you would very likely get two completely different answers. And, some runners can run at a moderate pace for kilometers, while others are better at sprinting.

When it comes to choosing the best running distance for you as the most successful runner, you must consider physiological, psychological and environmental factors. Find out what factors are in order to determine how far you can be best.

¿Qué distancia debes elegir si eres runner?

2 factors to choose your running distance

1. The genetic aspect

Genetics give some runners a high number of fast-twitch muscle fibers and others with a higher percentage of slow-twitch fibers, but this is not necessarily the only issue you need to consider.

While most runners know from experience which distances they have a knack for, physiological tests are also available. In this sense, many tests analyze blood lactate to heart rate to determine the natural strengths and weaknesses of a runner .

The main reason a high-level athlete should take these types of tests is to help guide training and capitalize on their natural gifts.¿En qué distancia puedo ser mejor runner?

2. Psychological strength

Your brain also plays an important role in determining the distances that may be most suitable. In this sense, mindset, attitude, and focus should be considered when choosing at which distances to focus all your efforts.

Mentally, people who can concentrate longer would be better suited for longer distances; although it is not an absolute truth. On the other hand, some runners prefer shorter distances, precisely due to their psychological state and that they are perceived as more stimulating.Influencia de variables psicológicas para elegir distancia en running

How do I know how far I have to travel as a runner?

You could ask any specialized coach, and he will surely tell you that the key is in mental commitment, which is essential to know what distances to cover.

The best answer you can get to this question will lie in personal reflection and your knowledge of your own abilities. And it is that, perhaps with a distance of 3 or 4 kilometers you feel comfortable and comply well but, increasing it to 10 or 15, you get tired and do not perform at your best. It can also be summed up as follows: what is a joy for a gifted long distance runner can be a fight for a sprinter who prefers short distances.

However, most runners intuitively know what their strengths and weaknesses are. And they work based on personal knowledge and physical abilities.Factores para elegir en qué distancia puedes ser mejor runner


  • The psychological aspect is essential to determine individually what you should do and how to face each distance as a runner.
  • When it comes to high performance, the most predominant characteristics is the inheritance of genes that are present in the development of athletes, either for distances greater than 5 kilometers or for sprinters.

The instinct you have as a runner will basically give you the confidence you need to cover distances. This also applies if you want to get out of your comfort zone and go from short to longer trips.


  • Lobby, M. How to Discover Your Best Distance. For Active [Revised November 2018]