Ideas to eat without salt and season your dishes in a healthy way

Many of us think that eating without salt is like not eating, since we have the idea that salt is the taste, but this is a preconceived thought and it is part of our nutritional tradition to eat dishes rich in salt.

But have you ever thought about what would happen if this changed? If since our children are small, we used to eat them with little salt, surely many diseases that develop in the future could be prevented.

Sodium is a mineral that is important for maintaining normal fluid balance in the body. It is found naturally in food and is also added to certain foods. The daily recommendation for sodium is 2.3 mg per day. However, some patients are advised to eat it in lower amounts.

Limiting sodium intake helps prevent and control the amount of fluid around the heart, lungs, and legs. When you have fluid retention, your heart works harder and your blood pressure can increase.

sal cucharas

First let’s see, what repercussions does excessive salt consumption have on the body? The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that high sodium (salt) intake is associated with hypertension, cardiovascular disease or stroke .

So that these pathologies do not manifest themselves, the WHO recommends both adults and children reduce sodium intake below 5 grams a day, which is equivalent to more or less a full teaspoon of salt.

Make changes in your kitchen to eat without salt

It sounds difficult, but when it comes to cooking, you have a wide variety of herbs and spices on hand to flavor your food, helping to reduce salt and enjoy the flavors more.

An example can be using garlic and onion to include them in some dishes , as well as low sodium soy sauce, the latter added to some meats and vegetables, provides an exquisite flavor. In the same way, citrus fruits in salads intensify the flavors, which helps to eat without salt.

Another great thing to eat without salt, is to create your own salt shaker , it is quite simple. You only have to mix 2 tablespoons of black pepper, one of cayenne pepper, one of onion powder, one of garlic powder and a ground bay leaf, with this you can season all the dishes you prepare.

The use of spices is essential. We recommend dill for potatoes, fish and tomato; oregano for chicken; rosemary for lamb; sage with meat and potatoes; and cinnamon or nutmeg for soups, carrots and zucchini.

Another option to eat without salt is to season meats with spices . You can use basil, bay leaf, curry, cumin, dry mustard, garlic, grape jelly, green pepper, fresh mushrooms, nutmeg, and parsley to make delicious dishes. And remember that before using any spice you must rub it and crush it so that it releases its flavor in the preparation.

Everything is in balance

To have good nutrition, the key is in balance, it is not about eliminating or abusing the consumption of a specific food, since our body needs all the nutrients for its correct functioning, always adding daily physical exercise.

In the case of salt, its consumption also has some benefits, since it helps the body to be well hydrated, introducing water inside the cells, it helps to control the amount of water in the body and to regulate body fluids and It is essential for the nervous system to transmit impulses to the brain for muscle relaxation.

sodio y sal